Stories of Spirit…Our world in Crisis [depression, anxiety, addiction & suicide]

One of the most noticeable changes I have experienced in my work as a Medium over the last 5 years, has been the increase in Spirits I am connecting with who have been responsible for their own passing.  This number includes suicides, overdoses, and death following reckless action; such as drinking and driving.

When I meet with individuals and families for Spirit Communication I do so with a blank slate; I do not ask questions ahead of time.  In truth, I do not want to know about my clients (both living & dead) before sitting down with them for communication.  This is one of the ways in which I keep sane; keeping my work from personal life.  If I wanted to, I could be interacting with Spirits constantly.  In fact, I have put more effort into controlling when and where they talk to me, then how to get them to talk to me.  This separation also makes the experience more solid for the recipients, for they know that I have not received information about them or their Beloved Dead prior to our scheduled appointment.

With this as practice, each guest living/dead comes into my space and shares their story through me.  Some Spirits speak directly to me, and I simply repeat the words they are using, others show me detailed images of their life and fill me with emotion.  Most Spirits communicate in a mixed combination of both.  Extroverted people are more likely to use words, while introverts are more likely to use imagery and emotion.

Over the last 5 years, I have found myself saying more and more often “Is your loved one responsible for their own passing?”.  I can always tell when a Spirit has passed due to their own actions, for they stand back a bit from me.  This is not done out of shame, but out of a desire to keep their emotional self in check.  Let me explain…

Imagine our emotions to have a setting like a volume dial on a stereo, that goes from 1-10.  Most people go through life with their emotions set at about 3-4 out of 10,  a person struggling with depression and/or anxiety is living with a volume dial set significantly higher; like 8 out of 10.  When we die our emotions are turned way down, to like a 2-3 out of 10.  This allows us to analytically review our life, helping us to see a clearer picture; to know how we were loved, and to see the truth of situations, that may have been clouded by emotion.

When a Spirit comes in contact with a Medium, the volume gets turned up, as they come into the vibration of the living through the energy provided by the Medium.  Mediums are like conduits, energy flows through them in such a way that it can be used by the Spirit world (both the dead & nature).  This extra energy is vital for communication to take place, however, it does make it a bit more tricky when the Spirit at hand has struggled emotionally.  I can generally gauge the health of a Spirit (how much healing has taken place for the soul after death) by how comfortable they are in my space, experiencing emotion.  Sometimes I must rely on my doorman/spirit guide ‘Adam’ to work as a translator; this is only necessary when the soul is still in a deep state of healing and coming in full contact with me & the emotional volume I carry is too difficult for them.

This understanding of emotional level; learned through the Spirit world, has helped me understand the true challenge people with depression, anxiety & addiction face.  They are often blinded to outside factors, as they cannot see past the emotional onslaught they are facing.  Their life from the outside has no say on what is going on in the inside.  Their life could look fantastic to others, filled with exciting vacations, financial stability and still be a living hell.  For the voices they repeat in their mind are often deafening, making it impossible for them to see how much they are loved, and the beauty the world has to offer them.

As a Psychic Medium and Intuitive Healer, I spend a lot of time thinking about depression, anxiety, addiction, and the likes.  In trying to figure out how to help people, I am often looking at the factors outside of “What happened to you?”  for the level of damage is not always a clear indicator.  Some people I meet have experienced truly mind-blowing trauma in their life, and find their way to healing with relative ease.  While others, whose damage would rate significantly lower on the trauma scale, are unable to escape their despair and self-loathing.  At this point, I am still observing, and by no means expect that I am going to come up with a miracle cure for depression, anxiety & addiction.  But one of the things I have observed is that most of the people who struggle the greatest are also highly empathic.

Empathy-Showing the ability to feel and understand others.

Empaths experience the world primarily through their Heart Chakra (one of the 7 major energy centers of the body).  The Heart Chakra is all about love, forgiveness, and healing.  When people think about being intuitive they have a tendency to focus on the Third Eye (center of psychic knowing, intuition, inspiration) & the Crown Chakra (center connected to god/goddess/higher power).  However, they are missing the most used sensing Chakra, the Heart.  We have all pain in our chest when we have been deeply hurt, in fact, we refer to such a feeling as ‘Heartbroken’.   This feeling is not just something we experience in personal settings, we can feel this sensation when watching a sad movie, or seeing a neglected animal.  Empaths have this receptor/the Heart Chakra set on high. It is picking up information from our environment constantly, and the translation is often one in which the situation becomes our own.  Empathic people often struggle with separating the emotions of those they encounter, with those of their own.

Another factor that ways high on my radar, is the fact that we are becoming more Intuitive as a people.  We are going through PSYCHIC EVOLUTION, as a species, we are becoming more receptive.  We have reached a point in which it is not just the people seeking expanded consciousness who are receiving it but so are many, many people who would never ask for it.  The thing about evolution is it kind of sucks…it’s not fun.  Evolution means we are being pushed out of what was normal, we have no idea what to do with the new stuff and must figure it out as we go.  Thankfully when it comes to Psychic Evolution, there are those of us out there who came in as fore-runners, people like myself who have a better grasp on whats happening in the Wyrd/connected to fate end of things.

This by no means is a conclusion, answer, solution…but it is something.  It does help us to get a better understanding of what is happening in our world, a clue into the ‘why’ of rising suicide  & addiction rates.  It is a factor, one that does not stand alone.  For we are also living in a world filled with high stress; environmental disasters, poor governing, greed, and dishonesty.  As people we are complex, there will always be many pieces to the puzzle.

In the work I do as a Medium, I try to help the living family and the Beloved Dead find peace after death.  This is incredibly important when death comes at the hands of self, for it leaves everyone struggling, the living and the dead.  Most of the struggle comes out of religious dogma, and a fear that the soul of our Beloved Dead is now suffering in some kind of hell for taking their own life.  Personally, I find this to be utter bullshit!  For a person to get to the point where they would rather take their own life, then face another day, they have already been in hell.  This is also true for those who die as a result of addiction.  For the addict is a person who spends every day battling themselves.

For those of you out there who have lost a family member or loved one to their own hands; be it suicide, addiction, or recklessness, here is a way for you to aid their soul in healing.


You will need- a small stand (window sill, top of dresser, nightstand, etc), pictures/mementos of your Beloved Dead, religious items/sacred items to you or them, and a candle (your choice)

*set up your altar to your visual liking, include photos of your Beloved Dead, special items of theirs, religious/spiritual items, and candle.

*every day at an appointed time (same time each day is best) sit in front of your Beloved Dead Healing Altar, light the candle, and spend 5 minutes talking to your loved one in Spirit, praying for them to find healing, and speaking of your love for them.

*end each session, by telling your Beloved Dead by pledging to them that you are working on healing your own wounds around their passing.  This is very important, as they are often watching over us and seeing how their actions had an effect on our lives.  When we heal ourselves, we help them to heal!

FOR THOSE OF YOU SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION, ADDICTION,  & ANXIETY- I recommend that you look into what it means to be an empath.  This is not a cure, nor will it do the work for you.  It is not meant to replace counseling or medication, it is simply another tool for the toolbelt, offering you  a way of understanding why your emotions are so high.  Please keep a lookout, I will be offering a class for Empaths in July and repeat them periodically throughout the year.

spreading love-salicrow


I have never been known as someone who takes the slow road, but this year has me thankful for my dark-totem/Squirrel on Crack.  The fullness of my life has left me little time for blogging….my book ‘JUMP GIRL, the initiation and art of a spirit speaker’ released in February and on June 1st I stepped into a grand-expansion at my studio {the Grindstone Cafe & Wellness Center}.    Things are moving along with ease and flow, but sometimes getting a few extra moments to write are looked over for sitting in a zen-like haze on my couch.

Where the construction/expansion of the Cafe & Wellness Center connects me deeply connected to my community, JUMP GIRL’s release has me traveling all over the country this year; from book signings to literary festivals, workshops, psychic readings & spirit communication, I am on the go.  This movement has brought many songs to mind of late, but one that sums it up is ‘On the road again’ by Willey Nelson.  For the Irish Gypsy in me loves traveling… I have also found myself very conscious of the words I use inside my mind.  For a short while, I was repetitively saying “I am crazy busy”, whenever I was asked about my schedule.  Then I started thinking about quantum-physics and quickly changed my response to “my life is abundantly full’.

Quantum-physics has proven that thought matters, that we are indeed co-creators of our reality, and that what we put our thoughts into we manifest.  With that in mind, it was quite clear I needed to change my wording, as I had no desire what-so-ever to be ‘crazy busy’ or ‘crazy’ at all…Changing my the repetitive wording I used in my mind gave me a deep sense of well being, a feeling that I was solid and grounded in my growth, instead of feeling like I was zipping around without plan or thought.  The truth of the matter is there was a lot of planning and thought that has gone into me being in the place I am at this moment.  My book took over a year to write/edit/produce and the growth/design of the cafe/wellness center was something I did over 3 years ago (the benefit of being Psychic, sometimes I know something has to happen and plan ahead).  Even the high energy flow of this year was something I knew to expect before it’s arrival.

About this time last year, I was sitting on my couch when I heard a familiar voice in my head, that of my own.  I do not mean I was talking to myself as myself in this present moment.  Instead, I was hearing the voice of Salicrow in what I perceived to be about 2 years in the future/2019.  This was a bit unusual; not the visiting myself from the future or past, but that I was being visited by an incarnation of myself that was so close in time.  Usually, my visits are by my deep future self or past, with more than 10 years difference.  The visit from my near future present had me curious, as this had never happened before.  What would spur such an event?  My future-self spoke to me briefly, informing me that my life was going to go from 10-100 (speed/fullness) within the year.  I had taken her words to pertain to my book alone, but as most things Gemini there is always more…the more, in this case, being the sudden expansion of my wellness center.  Sali of the future assured me that it would all be good and that I could handle it.  but that I must learn to take downtime when it presents itself.  I believe I have heeded this information well, and am pretty good at checking out when I need to.

previous adventures with Lavender

I have learned many things this year so far, and have gained a few unexpected allies…Hummingbird & Lavender.  Hummingbird came into my life with a bold message.  Literally showing itself within a foot of my face, when I asked the Universe what I needed to be working on.  It’s message…to enjoy the rhythm and flow, that constant movement does not need to be tiring if one moves with the vibration of the world around them.  I am practicing this, listening to my body and mind and allowing myself to be carried by the momentum of my ever expanding life.  Lavender has shown up on my playing field in a huge way.  I am teaching at a Lavender farm in Montana in September, and have been invited to teach at another Lavender farm in NY.  My randomly generated computer background has been showing up as fields of Lavender for about 2 months now, and I have been given cards, and greetings carrying the image of Lavender at all turns of my path.  The teaching of Lavender is one of balance, and calming to the nervous system, as well as Psychic protection.  I believe it is showing up as an ally at this time to help people make a gentler transition to spiritual opening.  I am looking forward to working in the fields of lavender and seeing how its energy infuses my work.

Life is made up of the experiences we have and the way in which we interpret them.  I am a constant student of the Universe and I see the road ahead of me as teacher.  I look forward to where this year’s journeys will take me.  Thank you for your patience, I really do appreciate all my readers.  I promise to be more diligent in getting my thoughts to writing.


spreading love-salicrow