Stories of Spirit…Briga & the Good Death [a Journey to the Spirit World part 3]

BrigafuneralBriga walked to her Death like a Warrior Queen.  She woke the house early in the a.m. announcing that she was done.  She rallied the troupes and we began the preparations for Plan B.  Plan B. The Patient Choice and Control at End of Life Act (Act 39) which provides Vermont residents with terminal disease the option to be prescribed a dose of medication to hasten the end of their life. This Act was signed into law on May 20, 2013.  Briga/Barbara was the 3rd person in the state of Vermont to experience Death with Dignity through this act.  I personally felt honored & amazed to take part in such a Death.  I found myself remembering Dr. Kevorkian and being thankful for his groundbreaking work in the field.

With our mission in front of us, we swarmed around like busy bees…preparing her room, ourselves and the medication. Barbara had already gone through all the legal procedures necessary to obtain the medication, which included psychological evaluation & the consent of her doctor.  *It is important to know that this not an option granted without rigorous procedure on the medical & psychological level/ensuring that it is truly a good option for the patient.  The medication is taken in 2 parts.  The first medication is intended to settle the stomach and allows the patient to keep it down.  Once the first medication is taken the 2nd needs to be taken 30 minutes later.  As Briga prepared herself, we her Spiritual friends prepared the second medication.  Gloved up, sitting in Sacred Space we emptied 90 capsules into Briga’s chalice.  It was a deep, clear moment but by no means was it stagnant or without humor…for Briga was neither.

BrigaloveWhen the 2nd Medication was prepared Briga took the first.  She then hugged each of us with a ferocity and depth that was meant to last a lifetime.  We then began taking pictures…Pictures of us playing together, loving on Briga.  I have to admit, the pictures were my idea.  I have a thing for Death and this was not the first one I had captured in pictures.  I have many pictures of my Father in the last hours of his life, as well one of him just after passing.  Some may say this is odd…but why?  Why are we so afraid to embrace that which happens to us all.  The pictures with Briga were happy ones, filled with love and laughter.  I cannot think of a better way to spend the last moments of ones life….surrounded by friends, laughing & creating sacred memories.

When 30 minutes had passed we moved into Briga’s bedroom.. It had been prepared as Sacred Space with candles, flowers and crystals placed intentionally around the room.  She climbed into bed & we surrounded her snuggling up…her Brother on one side, her Druid teacher on the other, & her beloved dog, Little on her lap.  The rest of us took up space around her on all sides.  Prayers were spoken, songs were sang, love was given….and the potent elixir of Crossing was drank.  As we held Briga in our hearts & sang to her; she crossed into Spirit.

10 minutes…10 minutes was all it took for her to slip through the Veil.

When she had crossed we her sacred family embraced & then took a few minutes for ourselves to process in our own ways.  I sat on the couch outside of Briga’s room waiting for her communication.  Within a few short moments she first spoke to me.  “If I had known it would be that easy, I would have done it a long time ago.”  She then immediately went onto tell me where the snacks were, and that I needed to put on water for coffee & tea.  Even in her death she was still orchestrating the proceedings.  I got food set up via Briga’s instruction and then sat in her living room for a bit looking at all her lovely bits, allowing her to share my sight.  She directed my attention around the room to the things she loved most, telling me who had given them to her and the short stories of their being.  This lasted only briefly for Briga’s body needed to be prepared.

brigafuneral2Four women prepared Briga’s body with love & honor for the 3 day wake that would be held in her home.  We washed her, oiled/anointed & dressed her (in the close she had laid out for us).  This was a great honor as preparing the body of ones own Dead is one of the most important things we can do.  When you love the person whose body we are preparing there is a magic and sacredness unlike anything else.  My ability as a Medium was useful as it allowed Briga to be part of the ceremony.  While her body was prepared others laid out her casket in the living room.  It was a handcrafted pine box made for her lovingly by a friend.  When her body was laid out in the casket, an honor guard was put in place to sit with her body for the duration of the wake.  This was important to Briga, who wanted her body to be attended until it was brought to the crematorium.  On the 3rd and final day of Wake, Briga was celebrated in an intimate service in her living room surrounded by friends and family.  We gathered to celebrate and honor the courageous, fiery, Crone we so adored.  When the days ceremony was complete her body was escorted to the crematorium (an hour away) by a cavalcade of Druids.

This Friday, July 31st during the Full Moon & the celebration of Lughnassa (first harvest) Briga will be celebrated in Druid Ceremony at Dreamland…she will get her ‘Big, Fat, Druid Funeral’.    I have been asked by the Crone herself to attend in my role of Medium, allowing her to share in the revelry and pass messages with those she loves.  I am truly honored to take this role & to share space with my dear friend, whom I love.  Thank you for reading folks, please feel free to share.

spreading love-salicrow

Briga marrying the land in Druid ceremony @ Stonehenge 2006

Briga marrying the land in Druid ceremony @ Stonehenge 2006

Stories of Spirit…Briga she Becomes [A journey to the Spirit World part 2]

Barbara2Two and a half years ago,  I sat with my friend Barbara/Briga’s on her  porch sipping tea and talking about Death.  I had stopped in for a short visit while working in her town.  Our visits were not as often as I would have liked as we lived quite a distance from each other.  As we sat overlooking her back yard I took a deep breath enjoying the Sacred Space she had created;  the altar under the big Oak tree, the feeders set out for the birds & the sacred bits and pieces on display throughout the yard.  I realized that her time in this physical dimension was limited and that Death had become her constant companion.  Sitting there I noticed that her Spirit was not completely in her body…it had shifted to the left.  I could see Psychically that it was extended out beyond her body & that she was only partially tethered.  I mentioned this and told her that I saw it as a clear sign that she had crossed into the space of dying which I refer to as the Gray.  The Gray refers to a person who’s death is immanent with no chance of getting better, or a Soul that has recently crossed into Spirit and does not realize it yet.  She was not surprised by this as she had felt a change in herself.  She had reached a point where she realized she could not/should not travel long distances & was putting all of her energy into creating the Death she wanted to experience.  She feared not for her Spirit.  Her beliefs were strong and she was fortunate to have experienced many soul level journeys that gave her a strong belief in the after life…including personal experience of past lives.  Her fear was that her work was not yet done, that she had something she needed to give to the world & that she was running out of time.  We talked about this for quite some time with me sharing stories of my Spirit Guide,  Adam & my Father Richard who both work hard in the Spirit World.  This gave Barbara something to think on and she gave me one of her ever-so-Barbara questioning looks, with her head tilted, eyebrows raised and mouth puckered ever so slightly….

As I sit here writing this with Briga/Barbara by my side I can see her look…apparently she wants me to get it right.

A few months went by before I next saw my friend; I had grandchildren to welcome into the world (one in October, one in November) & the business of the holidays to attend to.  I next visited in January, first at a gathering of Druids at Briga’s home, second at the end of the month for private time & deep conversation.  By the second visit, it was obvious to the physical eye that she was slipping.  She had a hard time rousing from slumber when I arrived and was experiencing a lot of physical discomfort.  Even so we stayed up into the wee hours of the night talking, with the sound of the oxygen machine humming away in the background.  We talked about Death, legacy & her ‘Big, Fat, Druid Funeral’.  Barbara was an artist, professionally and in her soul.  She planned her funeral like others plan a wedding…with every detail laid out just so.  We discussed how active she would be when she no longer had need of her dilapidated body.  That in many ways dying would free her up to continue her work, for she was frustrated that she had reached a point in which she could no longer journey easily or learn new Spiritual techniques.  I think this was one of the greatest gifts I got before her passing, that time to sit for hours talking about my favorite subject “Death”.  Her bravery and strength were truly beautiful.  On my way home the next day I thought about our conversation and pondered how I should write something about ‘the beauty in dying’.  For in truth, there is a special something that can only be experienced when sitting in the Death’s embrace.

Unfortunately I was not there when Barbara stepped into being Briga.   Barbara had a great love and connection with the Goddess/Saint Brigid of Ireland.  She had traveled to Ireland twice during her days with Cancer, the second time spending a month there by herself.  Briga was/is the incarnation of Barbara that is a strong Druid Priestess in service to Brigid.  She was Spiritually transformed in a ceremony on her birthday, surrounded by Druids & Healers.  She chose to let go of the everyday worries of Barbara and step fully into the shining light of her true Spirit self…Briga.   If you have interest in reading more about this please check out my friend Fearn’s blog post Briga’s Crossing.

barbarahandI next saw Briga on the weekend of March 13-15th, the last she would have on the physical plane.  Her conversion to Briga gave her a final push of strength & energy to set her plans in motion.  She arranged the weekend to be one filled with Ceremony and family, a grand send off.  She was physically frail, but there was a soul level strength in her much brighter then I had seen in my last few visits.  We gathered in her home; a small group of her Spiritual community (Druids, Faery Seers), family (brother, sister in-law, best friend) & her Death Doula (a fantastic human who helped organize the comings and goings of everyday living and dying).   Our goal was to assist Briga to the Spirit World through ceremony & it was a powerful experience.  First, it should be noted that I truly enjoy standing in the space of Death.  As a Medium, I find Death to be one of the most powerful vehicles of transformation I have ever witnessed.  It clears away the debris of life, the unimportant bullshit most of us preoccupy ourselves with and gives us a view of what is most important…LOVE.

Brigid/CWith Death as our companion the weekend was deep and life changing for us all.  Briga showed us that we have the ability to direct our crossing when dancing the long, slow dance with Death.  For her, in many ways that relationship was a bonding that made her stronger.  She did not run from it, but explored it.   Living for years with a terminal illness, she fought, cried, laughed, screamed and embraced her relationship with Death.  The last weekend of her life was filled with beauty & love…we toned, sang, gave offerings, experiencing closeness both physically and emotionally.  We all took turns snuggling in bed with Briga, where she shared the most important things she needed to say to us and gave trinkets of magic & remembrance.  As the weekend wound to an end, it was clear that Briga’s body although failing, was unlikely to let go by the end of our time together.  On Saturday night she began to talk more clearly about plan B, as she knew that many of us would need to depart the following evening.  Plan B. was to take the medication prescribed to her through  The Patient Choice and Control at End of Life Act (Act 39) which provides Vermont residents with terminal disease the option to be prescribed a dose of medication to hasten the end of their life. This Act was signed into law on May 20, 2013.

I slept on the couch just outside of Briga’s room on the last night of her physical life (Saturday the 14th).  Although, I did not sleep much as I could feel Death close by.  Her Mother and Father had both gathered in the room with me.  Her Father’s Spirit standing guard, and her Mother’s sitting in the chair just outside of where Briga lay restlessly.  Briga coughed and struggled to breathe most of the night and at 3 am she got up & began to type.  I could hear her as I lay on the couch.  She was writing love notes…reaching out to the people she loved …telling them the things she needed to say.  She woke early the next morning with an announcement that I was not surprised to hear “I’m done!”

I hope you have enjoyed the read folks.  I will share the final piece on Friday morning, before I head out to Briga’s Druid Memorial.

spreading love-salicrow


Stories of Spirit…Honoring Briga [A Journey to the Spirit World/part 1]

BrigaA dear friend of mine passed away 2 years ago today.  This is a revised blog, the only changes made are ones needed to make the story, make sense.  Briga was a Wild-Woman, Crone who filled the last years of her life with laughter, adventure and ceremony.  After a long battle with Cancer she crossed into the Spirit World with courage and purpose; a pioneer in the field of “Death with Dignity”.  She was the 3rd person in the State of Vermont to benefit from The Patient Choice and Control at End of Life Act (Act 39) which provides Vermont residents with terminal disease the option to be prescribed a dose of medication to hasten the end of their life. This Act was signed into law on May 20, 2013.

I will be telling Briga’s tale over the week in this 3 part series ‘A Journey to the Spirit World’.  My original decision to tell Briga’s Story of Spirit was at her request, as is this retelling 2 years from her death. I was not surprised when she poked at me earlier this week, insisting that I retell her story, and that it was important.  I had been expecting it, as I had been interviewed earlier this year, by a woman doing her dissertation for her Doctorate on the Patient Choice and Control of End of Life Act (Act 39).  I had felt Barbara’s presence strongly as I sat with the woman, sharing Barbara’s story with her, as I knew it.

I first met Barbara/Briga when I started my Druid training in 2008.  She was in her 3rd & final year of training when I was in my 1st year.  My first distinctive memory of Barbara was of her up to her armpits in the snow.  The Druids (3rd year students) had been sent out to connect with nature while we the baby Bards (1st year students) were doing a guided meditation near the brook.  It was early spring and there was still a great deal of snow.  As we finished our work and began to walk up the road we spotted Barbara standing completely composed along the brooks bank.  We were advised to keep walking and not pay attention to her as she must be in deep contemplation with Nature.  It wasn’t until she casually called out for assistance that we all registered that she standing in snow up to her armpits.  This composure was a strong characteristic of Barbara.  She was a classy dame.

Barbara’s battle with Cancer first began with the loss of her breast.  Like the warrior woman she was she stepped onto her path with courage and strength.  She honored the breast she would loose in ceremony and prepared for her operation and treatment with a mind set on making the experience as sacred as possible.  She insisted that the surgeons smudge the operating room before her surgery, giving them liquid smudge and instructions on how to prepare the room.  She also created a CD of healing music she wanted to be played while she was under anesthesia, as she wanted her subconscious to be strengthened during the procedure.  I sat watch with 2 of my fellow Druids while she underwent her surgery.  After she was  moved into recovery I was allowed to attend her.  I felt a bit Roguish as I did Reiki on her and helped her take her homeopathic supplements.  The one thing that was forever true about Barbara/Briga is that she was going to do it her way!

Over the next few years Barbara searched the corners of her soul, exploring herself and the world around her.  She traveled to Ireland twice and took other trips to Maine, Florida and Arizona.  She dyed her hair red and stepped fully into her magnificent self…preparing to becoming Briga.   All the while she continued to work, and dealt with the fact that she was accompanied by the presence of her own Death, at all times.   I believe she may have lived more in the years of her partnership with Death then she did in the majority of her life.  For she fully, truly awake.

We all die, but not all of us truly live.  We often spend our lives with inhibitions; worrying about next week, next year.  But the reality is we never know how much time we are going to get.  Sometimes I see Cancer and other slow roads to Death as a blessing.  I know it sounds hard and bizarre, but knowing that our time is closing in removes the bullshit.  It makes us realize we do not have limitless opportunities, it encourages us to talk truthfully to the people we love, and reminds us to enjoy the time we have.  I know that slow death is generally painful and by no means am I demeaning the struggle it creates for the person experiencing it and the families that love them…I am just saying there is a beauty in facing ones death with eyes wide open.  As a Medium, when communicating with people who have passed short/sudden deaths there is often a lot of regret around things they did not say and could not do.  This does not seem to be as common for those Souls who have taken the slow road to Death.  There are different regrets, but seldom about not saying the words that needed saying or things left undone.

I will post the 2, and 3 blog article about Briga, over the next week, for she is a powerful Spirit; one that insists on teaching through her death, no matter, that she is no longer of this world.  Thanks for Reading folks…

spreading love-salicrow

Stories of Spirit…Spirits in the House [part 3/Safety First]

DSC02598One of the more unusual parts of my job is taking care of unwanted Spirit guests.  When I get a call from a concerned family member about Spirit activity in their home my first response is to hear “Who you gonna call?…Ghostbusters” in my head.  *Please note-I take these phone calls very seriously, but having grown up in the 80’s I really can’t help myself…the sound track is there.  Once I get over my brief moment of 80’s flashback, I have a few basic questions I start with.  The first being “Are there any teenagers or someone with a mental illness living in your home?”  The second “Have you done any recent construction?”.

The first questions is by far the most important.  “Are there any teenagers or someone with a mental illness living in your home?”  I am sure you have noticed that I have compared teenagers to people with mental illness, this is intentional.  That’s because in both cases there is often a feeling of frustration around communication and the ability to express oneself properly, as well as the feeling of not being understood & a high level of emotional stress.  Under these circumstances the emotions are converted to energy & likely to come out in chaotic ways, such as poltergeist activity.  *When I say poltergeist activity I am referring to unexplained noises and the moving of objects.  When people are mentally unstable and feel they have no way of fixing it, it is not uncommon for them to exhibit uncontrolled telekinesis (Psychic ability in which someone moves or manipulates physical objects without physical interaction).  Basically-the moving objects and unexplained sounds can be coming from energy exhibited by a living person.  If this is the case your best bet is to seek professional counseling for said person & and clean your house energetically on a regular basis. (see house cleaning/clearing instructions below).

The second question “Have you done any recent construction?” gives me a glimpse into why you may be experiencing activity.  This is particularly true with old houses.  Sometimes house have dormant Spirits connected to them.  Souls that have not completely let go of their connection to the physical plane.  These Souls may or may not know they are dead.  I refer to Souls of the dead in two ways…Spirits-Souls who know they are dead & Ghost-Souls who do not know they are dead.  Either one can be disturbed when physical changes are made to a house.  That being said there house remodeling is not the only reason for disturbance, just the most likely.

I must say that one of the other issues that has made unwanted Spirit activity on the rise is pop cultures love of Ghost hunting.  True it is a thrill and everyone likes a good spooking, but without proper knowledge of what you are doing you can get into trouble.  I recently received a phone call from a family who had been using a Ghost Meter.  I personally do not have television and didn’t know exactly what they were talking about.  Apparently it is a device that lights up when a Spirit is in the room and has a green light for “yes” and a red light for “no”.  Kind of like an electronic pendulum, it can answer basic questions of yes and no.  The problem with such devices is that like a Ouija Board they do not come with instructions for protection, nor do they explain how our emotions can effect such devices.   So here we go Folks…Always, always, always use protection.  Always imagine yourself surrounded in white light, call in your Doorman (see parts 1 & 2 of Safety First) & state clearly who you wish to speak to.  It is also important that when seeking connection you are centered & grounded.  If you are highly emotional, intoxicated, scared or vulnerable in any way shape or form it is not the time to communicate!  Our emotions & energetic field (Aura) effect our tools.  I appreciate the nature of Ghost Hunting shows, but would really like to see them give a bit more information on protection and more warnings of “Please do not try this at home”.  Spirit Communication, particularly with disturbed Spirits is not a Parlor Game.  When we see our interaction with the Spirit world as a game it is likely to back fire on us and not always because we are being plagued by Spirits…sometimes we are being plagued by our own minds.

That being said…When you are living in a home that has developed a high level of Spirit activity it can be disturbing.  No one really likes to be startled & when we cannot see what is happening our minds go wild.  Remember you have a body, so there for you have more power.  A Spirit or Ghost cannot physically effect you without you letting it happen.  We are all surrounded by an energetic field known as the Aura.  The Aura is electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things.   It is important to remember that we can program our Aura to work as Psychic Armor.  Here’s how…close your eyes and take a few deep breathes through your nose; inhaling and exhaling deeply.  As you continue to breathe deeply imagine that there is a pinpoint of bright white light emanating from Heart Chakra (breast bone in the center of your chest), with each breath out the white light spreads out  a bit more until it is surrounding you with a depth of 1.5′ on all sides of your body.  Remember that no one else has control of your Aura but you, and like a shield it keeps unwanted beings at bay.  If you are looking to strengthen your Aura Armor I highly recommend using a crystal, you can wear it on a chain or shove it in your bra against your Heart Charka.  I personally recommend Rose Quartz to most people as it is a stone of Love.  As I am always saying “Spread Love”, it’s one of the best things you can do.  It not only surrounds you with Love, but defuses negative energy being sent your way.

So how do we clean things up ourselves?

Let’s say you answered “no” to the first question…no emotionally disturbed peeps living in your home.  And for the sake of conversation lets say you said “yes” to the second…you are in the middle of remodeling your home.  Chances are you have just woke up some Spirit who wonders what the fuck you are doing to their home.  In this case, I find that cleaning/clearing the house with Sage/Smudge and placing intention is going to work just fine.  Here is my do it yourself version…

Get yourself a Smudge Stick (you can find them at most health food & metaphysical stores).  Grab a small plate for the ashes so they don’t all on your floor, activate your Aura; expanding it with white light as described above & wear your Boobie Stone (Crystal Aura protection worn against the Heart Chakra) if you have one.  Head to the lowest floor of your house/the basement if you have one.  When using a Smudge Stick, you light it-get it burning for a few moments then blow it out; you are working with the smoke.  Go from room to room; working your way up through the house-remembering closets and cupboards.  As you clean each room hold positive thoughts in your mind, filling each room with love.   If you feel like the energy you are dealing with is particularly heavy you can add a bit of noise.  Have someone else accompany you with a wooden spoon & metal pot…beating on the pot like a kid at Grandma’s house; getting into the corners and cupboards just like the smoke.  When the house has gotten a good cleaning/clearing remember to light a candle in the center of your home (usually the kitchen) and imagine that positive energy spreading out through the rooms.  State clearly what your intentions are for the home (including the desire to improve the house through remodeling if applicable) &  that your home is a place of Love & Harmony.

If you find you have activity that continues after your house cleaning/clearing then it is best to seek the help of a professional Medium.  Do not give into fear, panic or emotional drama; for that is the energy that negative Spirits use most often for activity.  Remember you are protected by your Aura (human energy field), and that you have more power because you have a body.  Spirits are visitors to our dimension they do not exist here as easily as we do.  At this time I would like to remind you again that tools are not toys, whether they be Ouija Boards, Pendulums or Ghost Meters.  Like all tools it takes skill to properly use them and they should not be used while we are impaired in any way, shape or form.  Do not try to communicate with Spirits when you are in a heavy emotional place or intoxicated…it is a bad move that will most likely lead to trouble.  I hope you enjoyed this series ‘Safety First’.  Thanks for reading & feel free to pass it on.

spreading love-salicrow

Stories of Spirit…Inviting in Spirit Guests [part 2/Safety First]

sagesmudgingAs more and more people awaken spiritually the desire to have personal communication with Spirits becomes more prevalent.  I often receive messages from people who have unintentionally invited in the wrong guests.  This is not something that only happens to novices, it can happen to anyone who is not practicing proper protection when seeking communication with the Dead.

The big obstacle for most people is identification.  Unless you are a skilled Medium it is highly unlikely that you will be able to see & recognize Spirits clearly.  A skilled Medium is not just someone born with Natural ability, but someone who has practiced their Art and developed the ability necessary to navigate the unknown world of Spirit.  I was born with awakened Spiritual gifts; including the ability to see/hear/sense the Dead.  But I would not be working in this field if it were not for the intense training I underwent with Spirit.  I refer to this training as the ‘November Incident’.  It was a period of about 3 months in which I was being tutored by a group of Spirits.  They taught me, tested me & even tricked me.  Yes they tricked me.  They tricked me so that I would learn to rely on my own knowing instead of just accepting what a Spirit had to say at face value.  Any time we work in a world that is alien to us we must keep our whits about us, we cannot become complacent or believe that everything is fine and dandy.

Today’s story came about when a dear friend of mine contacted me about some disturbing Spirit activity at her house.  She is a skilled energetic practitioner and by no means a novice.  After answering my questions it became apparent that she had been inviting in all of the Spirits on her property that would like to join her.  Here’s the problem folks….You cannot possibly know of every Spirit that is attached to your property.  Even with a full historical accounting of your property you may still be falling short of the Spirits hanging out.  I have done House Clearings (Spirit negotiations/removal/space clearing) where the Spirit involved use to hunt on the property.  He never lived there, it was just a place he liked.  Another instance was my bar, which had a Spirit that hung out as well, the Spirit did not die there…he simply didn’t know where else to go-so he went to the bar.

When calling in Spirits to your land or home it is best to first engage in a relationship with a Doorman/Gate Keeper Spirit.  I like to call them Doormen as I use to own a bar & the Doorman  is the person who determines whether someone should come in, have their message passed on for them, or vacate the premises.  When seeking out a Doorman Spirit, I recommend asking the Spirit of a loved one to join you.   A good choice for a Doorman is someone who is protective, wise and clear.  They will be your eyes and ears on the other side of the veil.  Even if you do not feel you have clear communication with Spirit you can still seek out the connection to a Doorman/Gate Keeper.  Remember to acknowledge them every time you do work.  When I do Spirit Communication I always begin by inviting in my Doorman-Adam.  I also thank him every time I end a session.  Over the years our relationship has developed to be dear to me and I consider him to be one of my best friends.

It’s important to practice safety when communicating with Spirits, as you are generally a bit blind.   Don’t rush it, don’t open yourself up to any old Spirit that comes along, you wouldn’t’ do that in your living relationships.

If you do get yourself in a pickle, start by clearing the space.  Get yourself a smudge stick (most health food stores sell them), clear and clean your space from bottom to top.  I like to start in the basement and work my way up, remember closets, cupboards and the like.  Smudge is usually made up of Sage, Cedar and other cleansing herbs.  The whole purpose is to clear space.  When you have smudged your whole place, light a candle in the center of the home (usually the kitchen) and imagine the white light coming off the candle spreading into the corners surrounding your space with love and light.  If you feel you are still having problems contact a professional Medium.  Do not restart communication with Spirits until you have cleared/cleaned your space & no longer experience disturbing activity. Practice safety…always create sacred space, always call in your Doorman & as a general rule-be specific.  State clearly who you want to talk to, don’t just call in anyone who wants to come.  As a general rule calling in just anyone will get you Spiritual vagrants.  I hope you enjoyed the read folks.  Feel free to share.

spreading love-salicrow

Stories of Spirit…Ouija Boards are like Chainsaws [part 1/Safety First]

ouijaPeople often ask me how I feel about the use of a Ouija Board for communication with Spirits.  My answer is always to compare them with Chainsaws.  A Ouija Board like a chainsaw is a tool, not a toy. Both are great tools when used properly, but without proper knowledge and protection they can be dangerous.

I have a real problem with Ouija Boards being sold in toy departments of stores…& would highly advise against giving one to a child.  When my daughter was 8 she was at a friends house visiting.  When I went to pick her up the small group of girls had a Ouija Board and were trying to get my daughter to play with them.  She knew how I felt about such things and told them she was absolutely not allowed to play with it.  This was shocking to the parents who couldn’t imagine how it could be against my rules as I was a Spiritual person with Psychic abililities .  Like most people they thought of it as a toy, giving little credit to the board as a tool.  After explaining to them how a Ouija Board works they looked at it with a different eye.

Ouija Boards are a tool used to communicate with the Spirits of the Dead.  There are two main parts- a board containing the letters of the alphabet, numbers 0-9 and the words Yes, No & Goodbye & the Planchette; a triangular or heart shaped pointer on 3 felted legs, containing a viewing hole.  By itself there is nothing special about the Ouija Board, you can make you own and it will work just as good as a store bought board.  The key is the belief and opening the Board provides.  1st of all the belief…We believe this tool helps us connect with the world of the Dead, allowing us to get out of our own way and open up.   The Ouija Board also carries the power of all the people around the world who believe it works.  *That’s the Quantum Physics part/we believe it into being.  2nd-We are channeling our personal energy into the Planchette, allowing it to move through telekinesis.  In order for Spirit to come through someone in the room must have some natural ability as a Medium.  Spirits cannot require the aid of a the living in communication, they use our energy.

Proper communication requires Protection.  I would first like to say that I highly recommend working with a professional or taking a Spirit Communication class before heading to the Board on your own.  But if you have made the decision to proceed, remember the importance of Safety.  Clean and clear the room you will be working in.  Get rid of the clutter, physically & emotionally.  Smudging the space is a great way to get rid of unwanted heavy energy.  Center yourself by taking a few deep breathes in through & out through your nose.  Feeling your everyday stress diminishing.  When you feel calm, light a candle to represent the white light of protection.  Imagine the light surrounding you & all in the room like a shield or bubble, keeping out all unwanted Spirits.  Before placing your hands on the Planchette, speak out loud “I welcome to this Space-Spirits of my Beloved Dead, family, friends, loved ones and Ancestors.  May all who enter come with love & clarity.”  The love I speak of in this announcement is the love of human kindness.  By making this statement you are clearly saying that any Spirit with malcontent is not welcome.  Now you may proceed with communication. *please note, Spirit Communication through a board is not always accurate, this has more to do with those communicating then the board itself.  For clear communication, I highly suggest the use of a Medium.  When finishing your communication, make sure to thank all the Spirits that came through to visit and clearly ask them to depart.  When all Spirits have departed, you may blow out your candle and close the circle of protection.  If you ever feel like you have come in contact with a malicious or deceitful Spirit ask them clearly, with authority to leave.  If a problem continues to exist seek the advice of a professional Medium.

Hope you enjoyed the read folks & feel free to share.

spreading love-salicrow


Stories of Spirit…No Time for Goodbye [seeking closure]

June 2010 009I have been working with the public as a Medium for over a decade, and in that time I have been exposed to loss on many levels.  Very few people get a great death; peacefully surrounded by family.  For the most part Death comes in 2 forms-long & painful or sudden & unexpected.  There are pro’s and con’s to both.  The long & painful death usually involves a great deal of suffering by both the one dying and their family, it however gives ample time to say the things that need saying.  The sudden & unexpected death involves less suffering, but gives no time for Goodbyes…

Recently I worked with a family who had experienced sudden death this year.  Shortly before the family arrived at my cottage the Spirit in question showed up to remind me to have tissue handy.  When I opened the door-I noticed the woman I recognized to be his wife was carrying a baby in a car seat.  My heart sank as for a moment my mind ran an emotional scenario of the difficulty of her position.  I spent the next  2 hours communicating with the Spirit of the young husband/father and his family.  It was one of the most memorable and touching experiences with Spirit I have ever had and I have had a lot.  The love between the couple was extraordinary.  This I know for as a Medium I not only talk to and see the Dead, but I experience their emotions as they communicate through me.  In some ways I feel and understand the love that a Spirit holds for those that come to communicate with them.  I knew what it was like to be in love with this women sitting before me & I knew how hard it was leave without goodbye.

There is something special about connecting people with their Beloved Dead, specially those that pass suddenly.  I guess it’s the ability to give closure to both parties.  For the Spirits of the Dead need closure as well.  They often feel like they have left their families in the lurch, with no exit plan.  Often in such cases; particularly with spouses-the Living Spouse receives advice from their partner in Spirit on how to move on with their life.  Loved ones on both side of the Veil (spiritual barrier) express how much they loved one another and sometimes talk about the ways the Spirit is trying to make personal contact.

When someone we loves dies without notice it is always a tragedy.  The people closest to the Spirit in passing often feel like their lives have been turned upside down and they don’t even recognize themselves in their own story.  For many it takes a long time to get back to a semblance of normal.  Emotionally-sudden death often creates its own form of guilt & trauma.  Guilt over the things we wish we had said/wish we hadn’t said & all the things we should have/could have done.  The trauma comes in the form of fear as we move through life knowing without a doubt, that life can change completely and suddenly at any time.

It has been my experience as a Medium, that closure through Spirit Communication greatly helps in dealing with the emotions triggered by sudden Death.  That being said, I highly recommend taking my Mum’s advice…don’t go to bed mad if you can help it, say I love you often & wear clean underwear.  I hope you have enjoyed the read folks.  Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences on sudden loss & what you have done for closure in the comments, I would love to hear them.

spreading love-salicrow


Stories of Spirit…A Time of Mourning [Adjusting to Death]

inmourningThere is no place for Mourning in our World.  We have lost the rituals and practices that honor the death of a loved one & show the outside world that we are still adjusting to their loss.   There was a time in our country where Mourning was a tangible thing, with it’s presence recognized by arm bands and dressing in black.  Now it has no dress code, no physical way of letting the outside world see that it is still present or that we have passed through it’s dark embrace.

As a Medium I am in close contact with the Spirits of the Dead and the Families that deeply miss them.  One of the common things families talk about is the awkwardness Death creates around them.  People do not know how to approach them.  It’s like death creates a bubble around the people who are Mourning, a space in which no one wants to approach.  Family and friends often stay away, or act as if nothing has happened at all.  This is particularly true if there is any controversy over the Death; such as suicide, drug addiction, violent death or untimely passing.

So how do we change this?  How do we approach Death with respect and reverence?

Honesty & compassion are my go to thoughts when approaching awkward moments in life including death.  I try to put myself in the shoes of the people most effected by the situation; the family and loved ones.  I also strongly believe that pretending something isn’t there or didn’t happen is in many ways ruder then looking at it and speaking of it.  When we say nothing, it is often interpreted as not caring.

When I was a girl I once got my butt spanked over asking a color blind girl what color my dress was.  The girl was my friend who lived up the road from my grandparents house, the spanking was due to ill timing.  My mother happened to be standing in the doorway of my grandparents house when I asked my question.  She misinterpreted my actions and thought I was being rude.  I was not being rude, but simply wanted to know what my dress looked like to my friend.  It was a question asked with kindness and true interest in the answer.  Here’s the truth folks-my friend was thankful, because most people pretend as if nothing is different; while they act odd and avoid looking at the obvious…creating an awkward situation.

I think about my color blind friend every time I ask questions about noticeable things that others refrain from talking about….including Death.  If I know someone has experienced a loss, I will ask them “How are you holding up?”  It is such an easy question, yet most people avoid it.  Most people don’t want to be rude, or bring up uncomfortable subjects.  But the reality is we feel worse when our friends and family members start avoiding us and acting weird around us.  I know Death is uncomfortable, but it happens to us all & it is perfectly natural.

How do we let people know what we need when dealing with Death?

Communication folks.  It all comes down to communication.  I know it’s easy to say “I shouldn’t have to ask for support”, but here is the simple truth.  Most people do not know what to do.  They do not know if you want/need space, need to talk or can even handle talking about your loved one.  My suggestion….utilize Social Media.  A simple post of your facebook page, or an email sent out to family and friends stating your needs.  “I am open and welcoming of conversations about my loved one”, or “Please be gentle with me, I will be in Mourning until further notice”.  I also suggest going back to the simple black armband.   Most people will suspect the band means something, and it will lead them to be cautious & respectful.  Some will even ask, giving you the opportunity to share.  When you have reached a point in your mourning where you want to reconnect with people, I suggest you have a BBQ or gathering to honor your loved one and invite friends and family to share stories of the good times.  Remember Death is normal, it happens to us all.  How we experience it up to us.  I hope you enjoyed the read folks.

spreading love-salicrow

Stories of Spirit…Death is my Friend [my relationship with Death]

spiritcommunicationAs a Medium I often find myself explaining to others that I have a different view of Death then most people & that I actually like Death.  I know this sounds weird, but I have always been a bit Wyrd (interacting with fate & personal destiny).  My constant interaction with the Spirit world has altered my view of Death, showing me the complexity of our Souls and that ‘life’ & learning do not end with our bodies.  Death brings us to a clear, undiluted version of self.  When we are in the presence of Death we let go of all the pretense of life; we are triggered by Death to be our real, genuine, true selves.

Death is a Spiritual force all it’s own.  In many cultures Death is actually depicted as a Spiritual Being that holds the job of crossing Souls from the Living to the world of the Dead.  Death comes to some of us slowly & for others it shows up unexpectedly.  But when it comes there is no negotiating…if it’s time, it’s time.

I believe the important part about Death is that it is a great healer.  When facing the Death of someone we care for we are forced to look deeply at our emotions.  Fast or slow, the nature of the Death does not hinder our emotional investigation.  I believe we are here, incarnate on this planet so that we can better explore the nature of our Souls.  But many of us go through life acting as if we have all the time in the world to do so.  We busy ourselves with the mundane and avoid the difficult things such as emotions & personal interaction.  We leave relationships tattered and bruised thinking that we can push them away for another time.  Well Folks, that is a farce.   We cannot ignore our emotions away…in the darkness they show themselves & the biggest darkness is that of Death.  {When I say darkness I am not describing evil or doom, but the shadow from which we look deeply at ourselves.}  I personally have always been a fan of the dark, I like the sincerity in which people open themselves in the dark…sharing the pieces of themselves that are too fragile for the light of day.  Death is that kind of Darkness, it is like the darkness of storytelling at summer camp, where you reveal your secrets.  It is vulnerable and real…I truly love that.  I believe we spend too much time showing the face we see fit for the light of day and not enough time exploring the realness of ourselves that shadows & darkness reveal.  Until our friend Death shows up from time to time to make us whole.

My last few weeks have been filled with Death, Spirit & Healing.  I have done a lot of Seances in which the Spirits coming through were those seeking Healing.  They left this world with tattered edges, relationships left in chaos and unspoken feelings of sorrow and remorse.  For some,  life did will not give them a break or the ability to communicate how they feel.  Death on the other hand gives us plenty of time to think things over.  In Death, people who have unfinished business spend much time reviewing their lives and at watching the people they have left behind.  They see their true value to the people of their life, how their actions effected them & still do.  Being in Spirit helps to turn down emotions, making it easier to be an observer on ones soul path.  The healing of Death is not just experienced by those in Spirit, but the living as well.  When we loose someone we have unfinished business with, we often find them in our thoughts.  We think about them often and struggle with the things we could have/should have said.  I believe this is why  Spirits seek me out for healing work.  Our lessons do not end with Death.  Death gives us the clarity of the Shadow & Darkness that is valuable to healing.  It gives us the ability to sit in our emotions and true self; to let go of the worry of paying bills, living up to the expectations of others, and  disappointment.  Letting us focus on what really matters…LOVE

I hope you walk away from reading this bit with a deeper understanding of Death and the beauty it holds…Feel free to share.


spreading love-salicrow


Stories of Spirit…Heartache, Healing & Reincarnation [A Soul Reborn]

brigidwellMy work as a Medium often involves counseling between the Spirits of the Living & those of the Dead.  This is in part due to the fact that humans are complicated beings, with deep emotions and complex personalities.  People often die with unfinished business; relationships that were never truly mended and problems left unsolved.  Sometimes there are even unresolved issues around the death itself.

The story I tell today is one that truly touched my heart.  It has been a complex one of heartache, healing & reincarnation.  I was first introduced to the Spirit of  *James (not his real name) when his mother came to one of my Seances.  He had passed away unexpectedly, under controversial circumstances.  Not only was his death unresolved, there had also been a lot of heavy feelings between him and the family who loved him.  He had lived his life on the edge and had a lot of emotional problems.  As we all know life is complicated…love is easy, but getting along-not so much.  It is particularly hard when watching someone we love spin out of control.  If this person dies while still spinning recklessly out of control it is difficult for the family to find peace.  The soul of the departed also finds this challenging as they see how their family suffers.  Not because they are being punished, but because they have to sit and watch how their actions effected others.  I refer to this as ‘Time Out’.

When souls have a lot to reflect on (unresolved issues), they are put in ‘Time Out’.  I see it kind of like putting a naughty kid into the ‘Time Out’ Chair.  They have to sit aside from the world and think about their actions.  This is not just so they can see how they were bad or wrong, but also so they can see how much others truly care for them and how their actions contribute to the world around them.  A Spirit in ‘Time Out’ is being placed their to heal.  As a general rule the Spirits who most often land in ‘Time Out’ are the ones who have died with a lot of emotional problems.  Suicides, accidental overdose/drug addiction, violent deaths & people with deep seeded emotional issues often need this time of healing that ‘Time Out’ provides.  I would like to state clearly that this is not a place of punishment, but a place of healing.

*James was in ‘Time Out’, he was spending his time seeing how his life, death and actions effected his family and those who loved him.  His meeting with his Mother through Spirit Communication was deeply emotional for both him and her.  She attended a few more Seances; each bringing them both further onto the healing path.  As the Mother began to heal she told her family of her experiences and soon I was seeing other family members who also felt the need to connect with James.  Over a period of years I was present as James connected with more and more of his family.  With each visit he healed more and more.  Realizing how deeply he was loved, and that his family truly understood his suffering and remembered the beautiful soul he was vital to his healing.  Then something interesting happened.  He began to talk about joining his family again.  At Seances he would make references to reincarnation and how he was getting ready to be reborn.  The more family he connected to in Spirit, the stronger he became and the more whole his soul.  When a member of the family became pregnant (something I did not know) he announced to his family at a Seance that he would be born soon and even shared with them whose family he would be born into.  That child was born last year and James family has spoken to me of unusual behaviors the child displays that are so similar to their brother.  It is important in cases like this not to make it happen.  Not to refer to the child by the name of the Beloved Dead or push behaviors on them, instead it is about watching the story unfold.

What I appreciate most about this particular tale is the LOVE.  The family was so dedicated to helping their brother/son heal.  When they realized their interactions with him, was vital to his healing…they became truly invested in the work.  They shared their love with him, expressed their feelings of forgiveness and showed that they were still his family.  Many of us have family members who are lost, even self destructive.  It is a very hard thing to live with; watching someone you love be hurtful to themselves and others.  In my experience I have found that some people just cannot distance themselves from their emotions enough to heal while living.  That being said, it is nice to know that the healing process continues in the afterlife.  Emotions are dampened and sometimes more approachable at that point.  I am a firm believer in doing as much healing as we can while still alive, for it truly is easier.  But should you loose someone dear to you, who suffered much in this life…know that they are still able to heal.  I hope you enjoyed the read folks.

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