For the Love of Numbers…

I have never been good at math.  In fact, I got through High School math with teachers tutoring me, and the good grace of C’s.  I believed numbers and their equations to be the bane of my existence.  Then I discovered Numerology…and I was hooked. It was as if the whole process of working with numbers had been completely wrong until I approached them in this manner.  It was as if someone had turned a photo right-side up, and I could suddenly make sense of it.

Numerology is the esoteric study of numbers, in which numbers are seen for their vibrational value and how they influence over lives & future.

Numerology works with a method of breaking numbers down into single digits…1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or into Master Numbers 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99.  To get to these basic & master units we need to add numbers together,  such as my birthdate…5/29/1971=5+2+9+1+9+7+1=34, the number is broken down once again, until it reaches a single or master unit.  34…3+4=7, which gives you the number associated with my birth.  The number associated with our birth is known as our Life Path Number, and it reveals the broader aspect of who we are.

My life path number is a 7, and 7 is a number of higher awareness, it is associated with people who are analytical, highly intuitive, often carrying a deep spiritual faith.  People with a Life Path of 7 are most often seekers of the truth & wisdom, and often searching for the answers to everything.  I find this entirely fitting, as I often say ‘when I die, my tombstone should read “Why?”‘.  Not why did I die?  But why? Why did this happen, why did that happen, what does this mean and that mean, and why?  I have an incredibly inquisitive brain, which has led me to explore the unseen world with vigor.  The negative or challenging side of having a 7 Life Path number is that those of us who fall into this category can be cynical and without faith have a high tendency toward seeking escape through work, drugs, and distraction.  I can attest to this personally, for when I lost faith in a higher power as a teenager, I found myself wandering down the dark path of I don’t give a fuck, with my faithful companion’s drugs & alcohol.  You can read about my personal journey in my book ‘Jump Girl, the initiation and art of a spirit speaker’…here’s a link

Our ‘Life Path’ number is not the only important number in our personal Numerology, the letters of our name; both given & chosen, have numerological values and can be broken down as well and show us fascinating things about ourselves.  This knowledge helps us to better understand our underlying personalities, as well as the challenges and strengths that come naturally due to the numbers vibrating in our life.

The study of Numerology goes further to look at temporary number vibrations such as those associated with our phone numbers, street address, and the dates connected to weddings, business openings, project launching, travel, and more.  Once you start working with numbers in this way; if you’re like me, you will find yourself breaking down numbers randomly and constantly, and thinking about what that vibration says about the situation.

Many people are already fascinated with numbers and can’t help but notice how the Universe uses them to get our attention, such as the 11:11 phenomenon (11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 & 5:55) with clocks. When numbers show up in this way, they are like an alarm clock going off.  They startle us a bit and make us question the why of the matter.  When we experience numbers in this fashion it is a good idea to make note of what you were thinking about, talking about or doing at the time you noticed the occurrence.  It’s also a good idea to look up the number as a Master number, for they are most definitely vibrating at a higher frequency.

There are many good books out there on Numerology and you can learn a lot from internet web-pages, but always remember to trust your own feeling on how that number is interpreted in your life. Intuition matters and each number-vibration has varied associations.  (Remember the #7 associated with my life path, would be a hard one to live with if I was not a person of faith.)  For those of you who want to dive deeper into Numerology and do better with a guide, make sure to check out my upcoming workshop ‘Introduction to Numerology’ @ the Grindstone Cafe & Wellness Center in Vermont.

Numerology is best pursued with a mindset on fun.  Allow yourself to explore what numbers have to say about you and the ones you love.  I am still exploring and still having fun with them.  They speak to me every day in multiple ways, and I have gone on to purposely use them…choosing the numbers I use for the many projects I am part of.  Happy numbering folks!

spreading love-salicrow

Exceptional Moments of Spirit…

I was in Montpelier yesterday, having breakfast with a dear friend who is going through a tremendous opening & healing.  This was something she asked for; something she cultivated & strove for, as she peeled away layer upon layer of emotional debris that kept her from her truth.  Guided by a dedication to bettering herself & allowing her true light to shine, she stepped fully into her wyrd (connection with fate) and yesterday I got to experience a bit of it myself.

WYRD-connected to Fate

When we are going through profound moments of shift, the web of wyrd appears to vibrate around us,  synchronicities abound as the Universe and our personal Spirits seem to be doing everything in their power to ensure we get the message.  It is as if the weavers of fate are spinning the web directly around the recipient, and all who come close to the person get glimpses of what it’s like to dance with creation, it is true magic!  I have experienced these moments both as the person who the web is vibrating around and as a personal witness to someone else’s Wyrd.  Either way, it is awe inspiring.  Yesterday was no exception.

We met in Montpelier, a central location as we were both making unexpected time in our busy schedules.  Like all things connected to fate, it came together quickly and with ease.  When we are going through deep healing & opening often we can get what we need simply by putting it out to the Universe.  I find the straight forward approach to work well “I am in need of some balancing, grounding support, I need time for this, I need space for this”, and there seems to surface a minor reprieve from the deep work, a short hiatus to recollect our thoughts before diving in for more.

The synchronicities began for me as soon as the date was proposed.  My appointments shifted easily, the day opened for me and I was on my way.  I had experienced such things before, so I knew it should be an interesting day and I was not only eager to see my friend and hear her story so far, but to see what kind of magical bits sprung up throughout the day.  The first noticeable omen came in the form of numbers.  After eating a delicious breakfast while my friend told me her miraculous tale (she brought her’s home in a to-go box…too much to say for eating) we left to put money in the meters before we both ended up with tickets.  We walked to her car first, passed by it actually, so deep in conversation that we had walked past her car until it yelled at her.  By this I mean spirit spoke up through the distraction with a quick “hey, your car is back here”.  We turned around laughing as she explained how she was happy she was with me, as I would understand her saying that her car yelling at her.  As she added more money to the meter we were talking about the synchronicities that had been occurring in her life, with money added we couldn’t help but go ‘huh’, as the time on the meter now equaled 1:11.

Omen-an event of prophetic importance

Laughing about how the Universe works, we headed back the other direction to where my car was parked.  Deep in conversation, spirit reminded us once again, as I also walk past my car only to hear Adam say “your car is over there Sali”.  Crossing the street and putting money in the meter, again the time came out to 1:11.  Now the interesting thing is we may not have had those times appear if we had not walked by our vehicles.  The distraction was actually part of the magic, allowing us to arrive at the scene not once, but twice to receive a divine confirmation that wyrd stuff was taking place.  This number sequence persisted when we walked to the statehouse lawn and noticed that the building next to it boldly carried the address of 111, and again when my friend returned to her car with 11 minutes on the meter, and when I was thinking about our experience on my way home and noticed the clock read 1:11.

Numbers are my thing, or at least one of them.  I have worked with Numerology for most of my adult life and am always breaking down numbers, noticing master numbers and sequences as part of how I perceive psychic information.  Traditionally in numerology numbers are added together and broken down until they reach a single digit (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9).  The exception, however, is Master Numbers.  Master numbers are produced when the digit breaks down to a repetition of the same number 11, 22, 33, 44.  We can also witness these powerful energetic codes in the repetitive form of clocks…2:22, 11:11, 5:55 or as we did yesterday 1:11.  Master numbers hold more energetic impact than regular numbers, their lessons are bigger and they demand more attention.  Often when we see repetitive numbers such as our clock showing 4:44 it is the universe or our spirit team giving us a heads up to pay attention, that what we are thinking about or doing is very important.  The number itself must also be taken into consideration, for each number has a different energetic code. 

For those of you interested in the study of Numerology, keep an eye out for my workshop coming in June, and check out some of my other blogs around the subject like this one

The meaning of 1:11- 1:11 resonates at a high vibration, similar to 11 or an empowered 1.  It is a number that reminds us something big is starting; that we are connected with our purpose, and that we are working with personal karma.  Carrying the energy of beginnings, it has presented itself in our life to help us move into our new self, leaving behind that which holds us back.  It carries the power of stepping onto the path of one’s truth, and the ability to open psychic doors to our true self.

One of the other wyrd-anomalies that happened yesterday was a quick gift for me; a reminder that I too was swimming in the cosmic wake that surrounded my friend and her wyrd experience-I knew my friend and I  would only be able to spend a few hours together, and Montpelier is about an hour and a half drive for me, so on the way over, I started thinking about how I wanted to catch up with another friend from the area whom I missed dearly.  I started thinking I would drive out to her house after breakfast on the off chance I would get to see her as well.  These thoughts kept coming up on my drive until I was determined I would do my best to connect with her.  After breakfast, when I was scuttling about with my friend, putting money in meters and talking about the wyrd synchronicities that were popping up, we crossed paths with the other friend whom I had planned to go see… As we were talking away, a car came to a stop at the crosswalk along our path, and who should it be…but the very friend I had been thinking about on the ride over.  I was so excited to see her, for not only did it save me a trip out of my way (she was heading out of town), but it was a huge shout out to the powers of magical manifestation that take place when we are in such moments of karmic growth.  I told her I had been thinking about her the entire way over and that my intention had been “I just want to see her, even if it’s just for a minute”.  Wish granted!  

I love how magical life can be, and how clearly the universe is speaking to us when we gain the ability to listen.  It is not always flashy, ‘holy shit’ moments.  But the universe and our spirits are constantly reaching out to us.  I was honored to bear witness to my friend’s healing & growth and had a great time playing in the magical wake of her deep dive with fate.

Exceptional Moments of Spirit are those times when the world itself seems to be speaking to us as if we are the main character in a big play.  These times slow down, speed up, stand still and out of time and space.  For most people, these flashes of fate are triggered by deep emotional catalysts, like death, birth, reunions, and marriages.  For those on the spiritual path, they come more often and are usually connected to the moments in which we are actively growing as a soul.  It is important in such times to be kind to ourselves, take rest when it presents itself and surrounds ourselves by those that support us.  This is not a time for hanging out with the challenging aspects and people of our life, we need to make our circle small and strong in such times, remembering that we will reemerge a different person in many ways.  If you are going through such a time, get some body work…Reiki, massage, sound healing.  These all help to bring balance into our lives and help us let go of that which is holding us back.  My personal experience with such growth is documented in my book ‘JUMP GIRL, the initiation and art of a spirit speaker’, which a memoir of my life.  You can find it here

Thanks for reading folks, may your path be filled with magic, spiritual growth, and love…stay Wyrd!

spreading love-salicrow

Symbolism & the Intuitive Mind (psychic development)

E-en, infinity, lemniscate- no time/no space

Do you identify as Empathic?  Do you feel or sense the emotions and/or physical pain of others? Can you sense when there has been a fight in a place before you got there?  Do emotions lay heavy on your body?

Many of you said yes to these questions, in fact, I believe the majority of you did, as we are going through a Psychic Evolution.  As a species we are becoming more psychic.  Our collective consciousness is expanding and we are ‘awakening’ at a more and more rapid rate.  I like calling it evolution for I believe it is a natural process, that has been encouraged by the way we live our lives.  The use of the internet and cell phones have connected us to webs of understanding that tell us we can have the knowledge we seek at the click of a finger.  This belief has loosened the thread of our thoughts and made us question possibilities of how else we can retrieve information, and from where.

Another factor in our expanding consciousness is the fact that we have compacted our words into symbols again, creating a modern hieroglyphic language.  The days of elaborate cursive manuscripts and fancy thank you letters are gone.  We have quickened our step and shortened our transfer of information…we have gone backward & forward, connecting to forgotten magic the use of emojis and anacronyms have become common text, allowing us to transfer information rapidly.

Symbols are shorthand for the brain, they are a way of conveying a large thought in a compact form.  They often have various nuances and meanings depending on their context and can be found everywhere in the dreamscape, natural world & electronic universe.  The idea of symbols in metaphysical thought can be expanded to include animal and plant totems, musical notes, colors, and vibrations.

For those seeking to help their expansion of consciousness along, it’s important to develop a relationship with symbols.  I recommend The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects  although I am unsure why it is called such, and feel it would be better-renamed something less sexist….butwith that critique it’s important to remember this book came out in 1988.

I have always had a fascination with symbols and have studied & interacted with many over the years.  I love to explore the multitude of languages there are for opening the doors to my mind.  As a kid, I first interacted with symbols through religion.  The cross for Jesus was a powerful thing, as was the idea of water being a great healer.  I could easily understand how bread could be a representative of the body of Christ and accept how water could cleanse away the impurities of the soul.  As I grew up and my mind expanded, my symbolic vocabulary grew to include the markings of many religions and cultures.

I don’t like to talk about religion through the concept of different or separate.  I personally believe that God is god/goddess no matter how you look at it.  That the greatness of the creator/created is like a gemstone that we like to look at from many perspectives, and that we must find what way we connect best with the Divine.  Personally, my mind is too vast for one religion, one way of seeing this being that is the Collective Consciousness.  For me, the use of symbolism has been a powerful devotion to the connection I have with myself, my gods, and psychic knowing. The more I learn, the more I want to learn…so my symbolic language is quite large.  However, we do not all have the same obsessions.  So I have compiled a few suggestions for developing your own symbolic language.

*The most important thing when it comes to working with symbols to develop one’s intuition is that your interpretation is the most important one.  Symbolism is powerful because it triggers our personal knowledge, often the first thought that comes to our mind is the one that matters most.  Try whenever possible to write down your thoughts and feelings, before diving into the books or asking friends.  Books and websites are great for studying, and helpful when you really can’t figure something out, but they should always be secondary to your own mental cueing.

*Books on Dream Interpretation and Symbolism are great places to start building your symbolic language.  Place a book on symbols in your bathroom, and pick a new symbol to read up on instead of scrolling through your phone.  If you want to add to the psychic development of the exercise, don’t just randomly pick.  First, ask the question in your mind “What symbol do I need to work with at this time?”  And then really work with it, study it, think about what it has to teach you.

*Learn a symbolic language, such as the Runes or the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  These formulas are compiled of symbols that have both individual meanings and the ability to be combined to create words.  An interesting fact about the systems named is they are both believed to have been given to the people directly as gifts from their gods.  I have a personal relationship with this form of symbolic work; particularly with the Runes and Odin, as they came into my life as a door to a greater relationship with the Norse Gods and magic.  It is my experience that when properly activated these symbols hold a potent life force energy, and are ‘Beings’ of sorts.

*Keep track of your experiences with symbols; write down your dreams, record your meditations, journeys, and wyrd sightings.  Remember the Universe is communicating with us all the time, we just have to expand our vocabulary so it’s easier to understand.

I hope you have found this helpful, remember this is a journey and you do have some control over how it unfolds.  Enjoy the ride…

spreading love-salicrow

Sacred Travel…COSM, the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors-part 2.

It’s funny how we are always in some kind of flux…growing, flowing, being molded by our surroundings.  It seems that no matter how far up our personal, evolutionary tree we climb there are still wounds to heal, lessons to learn, and potentials to explore.  That is what makes living so divine!  ************************************************************ I returned home from Florida, knowing that in a few short weeks I would be connecting with members of my Spirit Tribe; a group of Wyrd (connected to fate) Travelers I met (this life) while on a sacred pilgrimage to the United Kingdom.  Our meeting was something no doubt planned in the betwixt & between, for kinships formed throughout lifetimes are a kind of magic of their own. 

Knowing I would soon be spending time in deep transformational space, I recognized that my self-work was not done, in fact, I had just placed my foot upon the trail of transformation.  After all, I was seeking to change the tempo in which I lived my life, not an easy task.

Being dedicated to myself, I started speaking of the change I was seeking, using words that supported my goal.  Positive affirmations are a good way to support and direct growth and healing in our life.   After all most of our problems come out of the bad programming that runs on repeat inside of our heads; spewing out negative bullshit that wastes the potential of our minds.  Just imagine what life could look like if we spoke as many encouraging words to ourselves…

I walked away from obvious negative internal banter along time ago, but that does not mean my brain is always kind to me.  While I don’t bad-talk myself in the way that many people do, I run a to-do list that has the potential of being never-ending.  So I still have need of positive affirmations, mantras, and intentional thoughts.  This was how I spent the weeks between my travels, reinforcing the new setting I had chosen to live my life in; the one with purposeful movement and lots of Catnaps.

The trouble was I still could not see the direction I wanted to go in, the prey I wanted to stalk or the perhaps a better way of putting it was I had not yet received the scent of that which I sought.  I was pretty sure I would find it while on Sacred journey and I was anticipating the insight it would lend to me.

The drive to COSM was absolutely beautiful.  The first part of the journey was straight down the state of Vermont via I91; a quiet highway with little traffic and few sightings of civilization.  Then we headed west & south along the Taconic State Parkway to the Hudson River Valley of NY.

COSM-the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a sanctuary, a church of sorts dedicated to the visionary arts and creativity.  It is also a sacred womb of awakening, an intentional space filled with the mind ‘altaring’ art of Alex Grey and his wife Allison.  The permanent art collection at the sanctuary is known for integrating both scientific and spiritual truths.  In short, it is a place of transformation!

Visionary art; such as Alex & Allison Grey’s, is meant to trigger the subconscious, allowing us to step out of our analytical mind and into the deeper vastness of our souls knowing.  Spending time submerged in such art often works on the receiver long after they have walked away from the physical display.

My fellow Wyrd Travelers and I went to COSM with this in mind, we were looking for the full experience as well as a place we could step into our shared spiritual work without disturbance.  We received both, as the universe provided us with the opportunity to be the only guest staying @ Grey House (the Inn at COSM) for the duration of our visit.

In visiting the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors my personal goal was to receive with an open mind, allowing messages of direction to come to me, instead of my normal steady push for deep waters.  After all, I was working with Big Cat/Panther; I was not searching under every rock for my knowledge, instead, I was waiting around stealthily for it to appear.  Most of my time there was taken up with group work, primarily focused on helping others wake-up peacefully, in this time of Psychic Evolution. My individual work was more subtle…it involved meditating in the temple room in the early hours of the morning, and absorbing the energy of the place while I slept…where it infiltrated my dreams and seeped into my knowing.  I don’t recall a single ‘Ah-ha’ moment of self-awareness, yet I left understanding my future path more clearly and have continued to unfold subconscious wisdom in my dreams; both waking and sleeping.

Perhaps it was in walking the grounds, rich with Earth energy; intentionally harnessed through the works of Geomancy-the art of placing or arranging buildings or other sites auspiciously, walking the labyrinth or observing the many paintings & statues with their multitude of eyes, that triggered such introspection.  But I truly feel that I walked away with a deeper knowing of my path and a clearer understanding of how to get there.

I have used Sacred Travel as a vehicle for transformation for many years now.  There is something about stepping away from our mundane world, that allows us to look at our life differently.  I know I am fortunate enough to do so regularly, and for that I am thankful.  But this has not always been the case, I have not always had the luxury of time and money to make such things happen.

So…how do we submerse ourselves in Sacred Pilgrimage when we do not have the luxury of leaving our home, family & obligations?

I will be talking about just that in part 3 of this Sacred Travel log, which will be out on Friday, April 5th.  Thanks for following along on my adventures…

spreading love-salicrow

ps-A big fat, grey squirrel was very comfortable on the property.  I found it to be a cosmic joke, as I had been saying I needed to put the squirrel in a cage; in reference to my need to step away from squirrel as my active power animal.  By the end of the weekend at COSM I realized that my reference of ‘caging the squirrel’ was really a pretty shitty way to give thanks to an animal spirit that has helped me achieve a lot over the last few years, and that instead I needed to give thanks to it and wish it a safe journey.  So thank you, my friend, for all your fast-paced, zing.


Stories of Spirit…The Magic of Spring [the vernal equinox, full moon, and the magic of renewal]

Photo-Hannah Frigon 2015

The sun is up before me these last few mornings, & puddles of water are gathering on the melting snow of my driveway…it’s a sure sign that Spring is on the way.  My soul feels it coming, and is ready for the awakening that it offers.  People like animals are in tune with the cycles of nature.  We settle in, get comfy and do a lot of contemplating in Winter & when Spring arrives we are ready for action.  Like the seeds that germinate, our minds are alive with projects waiting to be birthed, and we feel a kindling inside of us wanting to take action.  This energetic space of percolating ideas is a place of magic, from here we transform our thoughts into being.

Magic/manifestation is simply activated prayer.  It is something we are all capable of, we simply need to believe in ourselves and be realistic.  I know that sounds like counter-intuitive after all isn’t magic outside the realm of ‘reality’?

Hollywood Magic is outside the realms of reality, Real Magic exists within the domain of reality with an understanding that it is not as concrete as most of us like to believe.  Real magic has rules and repercussions, real magic takes focus and the ability to soften the boundaries of what we believe.  It is far less flashy than the movie version, but working with it gives us a greater connection to self and far more control over the path our life takes. Real magic is being proven every day by the science of Quantum-physics.  Through the quantum lens, science is finally catching up with what witches & shamans have known forever…the real world is energetic, made up of thought, light and electricity.  Solid is questionable!

I grew up on magic.  It was in the food my grandmother cooked, the paths we walked in the woods, the playing cards on the table and the ancestors coming for a cup of coffee.  Magic was not reserved for the fullness of the moon or the turning of the season.  It happened every day in the simple actions of living.  That being said, I also learned that ‘Big Magic’, the stuff you really desired could be helped along with the aid of the moon, stars, and cycles of the earth.  This belief was further instilled in me when I began formally studying magic (through books, workshops and experimental study).  This study helped me understand how nature could be a strong ally in my magical working.

With this in mind, I am looking forward to vernal equinox and the energy it carries…

This year the arrival of Spring will be especially potent time for igniting our dreams, as the Equinox takes place during a full Moon, one that just so happens to be the last Super Moon of 2019.  During a Super Moon the Full (or new moon) coincides with perigee; meaning the Moon is the closest to the Earth it’s going to be; making the Moon appear very large. I am all for stacking the deck when it comes to manifestation and this combination adds some tasty ingredients to the pot.  If you were to imagine working magic like making a soup, the Moon & Equinox would be like adding prime-organic ingredients to your meal.

So how do we use this energy? What kind of things should we be focusing our prayer/spellwork on?

The Spring Equinox is a time of new beginnings, a time for planting the seeds we wish to nurture throughout the coming year.  It is a time of peeling away the layers (clothes included) we have put upon ourselves during our winter slumber.  It is a time for setting goals that need tending, and time to develop.  It is also a time of balance, in which there are equal hours of light & darkness…a time of setting the proper footing if you will.

I am personally going to use the energy to refresh projects I am already working on, using the energy of renewal and growth to reconnect with that which I have been fostering for years.  Although my magical dreams are not ‘new’ so to speak, they have been refined over the Winter.  One of the big things that came through loud and clear to me in the darkness was that I need to put the squirrel in a cage.  I have been going too fast for too long, and I need to engage in a different pace in order to enjoy the life I am creating for myself…Time for some ‘Big Cat’ action.  More stalking less running around in 20 directions at once.

For those of you looking to use the energy of the Vernal Equinox to help activate magic in your life here is a simple ritual to start with.  It is non-denominational, you can incorporate your own spiritual beliefs as you see fit.


Vernal Equinox/Full Moon Manifestation-

*The Vernal Equinox takes place on Wednesday, March 20th, 11:19pm EST, the Moon becomes full on March 20th @ 9:43pm EST

*Things you will need-A CANDLE (any candle will do, but white candles are great for all-purpose use, and green is good for new beginnings, fertility, and growth), SEEDS (herbs, flowers or something you can grow in a pot), planting soil & a small pot or if your not a grower of green things you can use a crystal (my go-to), spiritual items for your altar.


Ideally, you want to do your spellwork/prayer/ritual on Wednesday the 20th, preferably between the hours of 10pm & midnight.  This is not necessary but does add some pop to your work.  Please note that full moons and seasonal markers/holidays energy is potent for 3 days prior & 3 days after such events.

  • Set up an altar with your candle, small pot, soil and seeds, spiritual items as you like
  • Light the candle and call in your protective spirits, guides, Gods/Goddess, and other allies
  • Take deep breathes through your nose, imagining with every breath out you are sending protective energy around you, in a sphere of white light (you’re the center of the bubble)
  • Intention is key here.  Take a few moments in meditation, breathing into your circle of light…allowing yourself to imagine your dreams/goals coming to fruition.
  • Hold this deep meditative space while you place the soil in the pot (if you’re using the crystal instead you can skip this step).  This is an act of magic, every step is to be held with thought.  The soil you are placing in the pot is an active ingredient, an ally (go organic)
  • Now pick up your seeds or your crystal.  Cup them in your hands and gently send energy (Reiki is great) into the seed/crystal.  Imagine you are awakening the seed to your potential, placing your dreams within it to germinate.  Pour love and support into the seed/crystal and gently place the seeds into the soil, and place them on the window sill (crystals can go straight to the window sill), make sure to water the seeds.
  • The space on the window sill should receive moonlight for ideal use
  • Close your circle by thanking your spirits, gods/goddess’, allies and putting out your candle
  • over the next weeks, you will need to tend your seed/crystal. Do so by watering the plant, holding the crystal, looking at it longingly, or whatever act of love you have to offer (I sing my magic).  Tend your seed/crystal as if it is precious to you.  You do not need to go back over the work you have set in motion, simply treat your seed/crystal with love and the acknowledgment that you are working magic.
  • It is important in magic that we direct our focus without knit-picking what we are creating/manifesting.  This is what makes most magical prayer fail.  The constant re-doing of magic is like saying to the Universe “I didn’t get it right the first time, second time, third time, etc…”
  • Support your magical working by living your life as if you are already standing in your power.  Remember magic is activated prayer and we should be cautious what we wish for.  Is it really in your greatest good, are you being ethical in your manifestation.  “IN ALL THINGS HARM NONE” is a good tenant to go by. For what we put out comes back to us 3-fold.

I hope the Vernal Equinox finds you with a Spring in your step and a sense of wonder in your heart.  Know that magic is prayer, prayer is spellwork, ritual is sacred creation and we are all co-creators of our lives.  What do you want to manifest this year? I would love to hear what projects you are working on this spring.

spreading love-salicrow

STORIES OF SPIRIT…Embracing the Darkness [the wheel of the year, hygge, and spirit honoring]

The first snow has settled on the forested hilltop, I call home, bringing with it feelings of slumber and deep knowing.  It calls to me to get comfortable; put on my sweater pants & neckwarmers, and begs me to go deep into my own being.  We, like all living things, are connected to the planet we live on, and her cycles have a great pull on our lives.  When we listen and flow with the current of nature we find balance and understanding.

I began acknowledging the effects of seasonal change on my life when I was in my early 20’s and started exploring Wicca and other Earth-based spiritual practices.  The rotation of the Wheel of the Year is a significant factor in most spiritual practices associated with nature, for such teachings recognize that we are part of our world, not separate from it.  This belief is a powerful one that makes us look at ourselves and the world around us differently.  It is a lens through which we can perceive that which is hidden, both in ourselves and in the environment.

The Wheel of the Year is a cycle of seasonal holidays observed by most pagans.  It consists of 4 quarter dates, marked by the Solstices & Equinoxes, and 4 cross-quarter dates that note the halfway points between. 

We are fast approaching on one of these markers on the Wheel of the Year-Samhain/Halloween.  Halloween which is known as Samhain in the Celtic traditions, Alfablot (sacrifice to the elves) in Old Norse, and Día de Muertos/Day of the Dead in Hispanic culture, and All Saints Day to the Catholics.  All of these celebrations take place within a period of 3 days; October 31st-November 2nd and they are all associated with honoring the dead (note-All Saints day is about honoring dead Saints in particular).  Coincidence?  I think not…

Until modern times people had to live in close relationship with the Earth, as we were more likely to have healthier livestock and fuller harvests if we knew a thing or two about the cycles of the planets.  This relationship also allowed us to refocus and renew our own spirits, for slowing down in winter gave us time to be crafty and cunning, to tell stories around the fire and to reconnect with our families.  These cycles were not limited to those who experienced the drastic seasonal changes of the North, for all places cycle…

Knowing the cycle nature takes in our area is vital to mental balance.  In the North, the darkness of Winter can be hard for many; Seasonal-affective disorder is a thing.  It is particularly hard if we create unreasonable goals for ourselves in the winter months.  This is not a call to full-on hibernation, it is instead a notice to be kind to yourself, to recognize that your body wants to move slower in the dark season.  To take it as an invitation to sit around the coffee shop and chat with friends on your day off, instead of tackling a major project.  It is a suggestion to pick up a handcraft such as knitting or crochet and become productive in a way that lets your mind wander and dream…for the Winter months are for dreaming and planning.  It is also a reminder that when we connect to the season we do not seek to avoid it.  The Norwegian people have this one down…they call it Hygge!

Hygge {Hue-gah}-The feeling of comfort and cozy, with friends or alone.  It is about embracing the unique aspects of the Winter.

For those of you wondering why the fuck I am talking about Winter when it isn’t even Halloween yet, don’t worry…I am getting there.  Halloween in Vermont very often comes with snow, those of us who live in the North are familiar with the need to incorporate Winter Jackets into our kids Halloween costumes.  (A few years ago, my granddaughter went as a Vermont Wonder Woman, which means she had a jacket under her outfit and a Winter hat instead of a circlet).  Therefore Hygge/embracing the Winter season is important to us now, for Winter is certain to embrace us.

Samhain/Halloween has changed a lot for me over the years.  I am still in love with costumes and the mirth associated with the season, but as my spiritual practices have evolved, my reverence for the Dead and the Otherworld has become paramount in my celebrations.  I take the time to remember my Beloved Dead (friends, family, loved ones and ancestors) at this time.  When I pull out my box of Halloween decorations, I find resting on top, pictures of my loved ones in Spirit.  I pull them out lovingly and give them a place of honor in my home.  My home becomes a place of memories as I go about my daily life.  I place most of the photos in my kitchen, as that is where my working altar is.  Here along the window sills, and upon my altar I place photos of the ones I love…a picture of Adam walking along the ocean, my father in his Marine dress uniform, the high school photo of my grandmother Eulalie, Grammy Brown when she was most likely my age, my grandfather sitting in the backyard, my friend Mike with his mouth wide open in laughter, my husbands grandparents whom I loved like my own (particularly Grammy Bickford), and my Aunt Sissy & I hugging the last time I saw her.

You can choose to live this way.  It is not a religious thing, it does not require you to say any vows or swear allegiance, it is simply a choice to be connected.  Something we could all use in these times of change.  Hell being more connected to our world, naturally makes us more compassionate and concerned with what’s going on, but it also gives us a sense of belonging…

Here is a how-to on embracing the season & honoring your Beloved Dead-


What you will need- pictures of your Beloved Dead (friends, family, loved ones, ancestors), memorabilia-trinkets that help us remember, religious or spiritual items if you choose, any candle

*choose a space to display your photos and memorabilia-this can be one shelf or throughout your home, it does help to have them somewhat contained, so my suggestion is to keep it to one room.  I choose the kitchen, as it is where I keep my working altar.

*Keep the photos up as long as you like, but I recommend at least the 3 days before and after Samhain/Halloween.

*During the time you have the photos up, talk about your Beloved Dead, tell stories of them, sing their favorite songs, drink their favorite beverages, eat their favorite foods, REMEMBER THEM…this is the greatest honor we can give to our Spirits, the gift of remembrance.

*Remember the Hygge of the situation, embrace the dark season and the places in our memory it takes us.  Be comfortable while you remember and honor, cuddle up on your couch and watch an old Halloween special, remembering your childhood when your mother/father/grandparent sat with you as you sat fascinated by the magic of the season.

*Light a candle on your altar, or in the room, you have your photos set up whenever you are able.  This is a symbol to your Beloved Dead that you are calling out to them.

Remember that everyone has the ability to feel their Beloved Dead, like a candle flame in the darkness your Spirits, can use to find you.  Although the ways they communicate with you may be subtle…dreams, songs, birds, knowing, feeling, smelling, they are trying.  If you are seeking deep connection with your Dead I suggest reaching out to a Medium, for we are more like Light Houses; giving off a much broader span of light and attracting more spirits, making communication easier.

Whether you choose to connect with your Beloved Dead this season or not, I highly suggest welcoming Hygge into your life.  Savor and enjoy every moment, the cold rainy days & the snowy blustery days as well.  Our environment stirs up emotion in us and helps us to better understand ourselves.  My other suggestion is to get yourself good winter gear.  Be warm, you will like it better!

Stories of Spirit…Our world in Crisis [depression, anxiety, addiction & suicide]

One of the most noticeable changes I have experienced in my work as a Medium over the last 5 years, has been the increase in Spirits I am connecting with who have been responsible for their own passing.  This number includes suicides, overdoses, and death following reckless action; such as drinking and driving.

When I meet with individuals and families for Spirit Communication I do so with a blank slate; I do not ask questions ahead of time.  In truth, I do not want to know about my clients (both living & dead) before sitting down with them for communication.  This is one of the ways in which I keep sane; keeping my work from personal life.  If I wanted to, I could be interacting with Spirits constantly.  In fact, I have put more effort into controlling when and where they talk to me, then how to get them to talk to me.  This separation also makes the experience more solid for the recipients, for they know that I have not received information about them or their Beloved Dead prior to our scheduled appointment.

With this as practice, each guest living/dead comes into my space and shares their story through me.  Some Spirits speak directly to me, and I simply repeat the words they are using, others show me detailed images of their life and fill me with emotion.  Most Spirits communicate in a mixed combination of both.  Extroverted people are more likely to use words, while introverts are more likely to use imagery and emotion.

Over the last 5 years, I have found myself saying more and more often “Is your loved one responsible for their own passing?”.  I can always tell when a Spirit has passed due to their own actions, for they stand back a bit from me.  This is not done out of shame, but out of a desire to keep their emotional self in check.  Let me explain…

Imagine our emotions to have a setting like a volume dial on a stereo, that goes from 1-10.  Most people go through life with their emotions set at about 3-4 out of 10,  a person struggling with depression and/or anxiety is living with a volume dial set significantly higher; like 8 out of 10.  When we die our emotions are turned way down, to like a 2-3 out of 10.  This allows us to analytically review our life, helping us to see a clearer picture; to know how we were loved, and to see the truth of situations, that may have been clouded by emotion.

When a Spirit comes in contact with a Medium, the volume gets turned up, as they come into the vibration of the living through the energy provided by the Medium.  Mediums are like conduits, energy flows through them in such a way that it can be used by the Spirit world (both the dead & nature).  This extra energy is vital for communication to take place, however, it does make it a bit more tricky when the Spirit at hand has struggled emotionally.  I can generally gauge the health of a Spirit (how much healing has taken place for the soul after death) by how comfortable they are in my space, experiencing emotion.  Sometimes I must rely on my doorman/spirit guide ‘Adam’ to work as a translator; this is only necessary when the soul is still in a deep state of healing and coming in full contact with me & the emotional volume I carry is too difficult for them.

This understanding of emotional level; learned through the Spirit world, has helped me understand the true challenge people with depression, anxiety & addiction face.  They are often blinded to outside factors, as they cannot see past the emotional onslaught they are facing.  Their life from the outside has no say on what is going on in the inside.  Their life could look fantastic to others, filled with exciting vacations, financial stability and still be a living hell.  For the voices they repeat in their mind are often deafening, making it impossible for them to see how much they are loved, and the beauty the world has to offer them.

As a Psychic Medium and Intuitive Healer, I spend a lot of time thinking about depression, anxiety, addiction, and the likes.  In trying to figure out how to help people, I am often looking at the factors outside of “What happened to you?”  for the level of damage is not always a clear indicator.  Some people I meet have experienced truly mind-blowing trauma in their life, and find their way to healing with relative ease.  While others, whose damage would rate significantly lower on the trauma scale, are unable to escape their despair and self-loathing.  At this point, I am still observing, and by no means expect that I am going to come up with a miracle cure for depression, anxiety & addiction.  But one of the things I have observed is that most of the people who struggle the greatest are also highly empathic.

Empathy-Showing the ability to feel and understand others.

Empaths experience the world primarily through their Heart Chakra (one of the 7 major energy centers of the body).  The Heart Chakra is all about love, forgiveness, and healing.  When people think about being intuitive they have a tendency to focus on the Third Eye (center of psychic knowing, intuition, inspiration) & the Crown Chakra (center connected to god/goddess/higher power).  However, they are missing the most used sensing Chakra, the Heart.  We have all pain in our chest when we have been deeply hurt, in fact, we refer to such a feeling as ‘Heartbroken’.   This feeling is not just something we experience in personal settings, we can feel this sensation when watching a sad movie, or seeing a neglected animal.  Empaths have this receptor/the Heart Chakra set on high. It is picking up information from our environment constantly, and the translation is often one in which the situation becomes our own.  Empathic people often struggle with separating the emotions of those they encounter, with those of their own.

Another factor that ways high on my radar, is the fact that we are becoming more Intuitive as a people.  We are going through PSYCHIC EVOLUTION, as a species, we are becoming more receptive.  We have reached a point in which it is not just the people seeking expanded consciousness who are receiving it but so are many, many people who would never ask for it.  The thing about evolution is it kind of sucks…it’s not fun.  Evolution means we are being pushed out of what was normal, we have no idea what to do with the new stuff and must figure it out as we go.  Thankfully when it comes to Psychic Evolution, there are those of us out there who came in as fore-runners, people like myself who have a better grasp on whats happening in the Wyrd/connected to fate end of things.

This by no means is a conclusion, answer, solution…but it is something.  It does help us to get a better understanding of what is happening in our world, a clue into the ‘why’ of rising suicide  & addiction rates.  It is a factor, one that does not stand alone.  For we are also living in a world filled with high stress; environmental disasters, poor governing, greed, and dishonesty.  As people we are complex, there will always be many pieces to the puzzle.

In the work I do as a Medium, I try to help the living family and the Beloved Dead find peace after death.  This is incredibly important when death comes at the hands of self, for it leaves everyone struggling, the living and the dead.  Most of the struggle comes out of religious dogma, and a fear that the soul of our Beloved Dead is now suffering in some kind of hell for taking their own life.  Personally, I find this to be utter bullshit!  For a person to get to the point where they would rather take their own life, then face another day, they have already been in hell.  This is also true for those who die as a result of addiction.  For the addict is a person who spends every day battling themselves.

For those of you out there who have lost a family member or loved one to their own hands; be it suicide, addiction, or recklessness, here is a way for you to aid their soul in healing.


You will need- a small stand (window sill, top of dresser, nightstand, etc), pictures/mementos of your Beloved Dead, religious items/sacred items to you or them, and a candle (your choice)

*set up your altar to your visual liking, include photos of your Beloved Dead, special items of theirs, religious/spiritual items, and candle.

*every day at an appointed time (same time each day is best) sit in front of your Beloved Dead Healing Altar, light the candle, and spend 5 minutes talking to your loved one in Spirit, praying for them to find healing, and speaking of your love for them.

*end each session, by telling your Beloved Dead by pledging to them that you are working on healing your own wounds around their passing.  This is very important, as they are often watching over us and seeing how their actions had an effect on our lives.  When we heal ourselves, we help them to heal!

FOR THOSE OF YOU SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION, ADDICTION,  & ANXIETY- I recommend that you look into what it means to be an empath.  This is not a cure, nor will it do the work for you.  It is not meant to replace counseling or medication, it is simply another tool for the toolbelt, offering you  a way of understanding why your emotions are so high.  Please keep a lookout, I will be offering a class for Empaths in July and repeat them periodically throughout the year.

spreading love-salicrow


Stories of Spirit…Divination, Symbolism, & Non-Ordinary Reality [viewing in light trance state]

I have lived my entire life with a view of the unknown, the hidden and the misunderstood.  As a child, I did not always know the difference between what I had been told and what I knew from elsewhere.  It was as if certain things just appeared in my mind as fact.  I just knew them and I didn’t bother trying to understand the how of it.  As I grew older, my mind became more inquisitive and I started to notice that not everyone saw things as I did; this realization didn’t occur until I was truly submerged in school, for in my home life my sister and my great grandmother ‘Grammy Brown’ also saw into the unseen world, they too existed in the betwixt & between.

In my study of the metaphysical, my brain eager to understand the experiences I had that were wyrd (connected to fate).  I discovered that in moments when knowing occurred or when I seemed to find the answer… I had stepped into the slip-stream, into the betwixt & between, the place of almost sleeping, when the subconscious mind is agile and fleet.

Another key to my understanding of Psychic ‘seeing’  was recognizing the relationship between symbols, and the subconscious mind.  My first scholastic voyage into symbolism came when I was in 7th grade and one of my parent’s friends gave me a book on dream interpretation.  I lapped it up like cream (or in my case a coconut-almond milk latte), my mind thirsty for more information like that.  I got it on a deep level and could link my own personal experiences with the playing cards Grammy Brown loved so much.  In fact many of my first Psychic lessons involved games of Memory and Rummy with her.  I thought she was cheating, letting me win, for often I had all the cards but a few.

My love of symbolism and of cards led me to the Tarot, which is still to this day my favorite divination tool.  I also picked up the Runes, and soon found myself Reading tea leafs, coffee grounds, the clouds and even the sand on a beach.  The key was to let myself slip into that space between, where the mind is fluid and to let the information present itself to me.  The more I knew of symbolism, the easier the communication was.  It was like becoming multi-lingual in a Psychic Seer kind of way.  I soon realized that I truly could read anything or nothing at all.  The symbolism could present itself to me in my mind as well as in the physical world.

When we are learning something, whether it be a musical instrument, the history of the State of Vermont, or to see into the unseen world, we need to practice, study and experiment.  We need to discover the way in which we learn best.  We need to trust our inner knowing and keeping a journal helps a lot.  Learn symbols, lots of them…and spend time with them non-scholastically as well.  Try placing a symbol on your bathroom mirror, where you can come in contact with it on a subliminal basis.  Choose a symbol that you want to activate in your life.  Choose to understand the symbol in a way that you really know it.  This is much like learning a part in a play, you need to memorize, feel and become the thing on a certain level, to truly get it.

The world is changing folks, we are living in exciting times.  Times when we can and should step into the strength of our being.  Start by allowing yourself to believe in the unseen world, when weird/wyrd events happen in your life, don’t turn first to the why it can’t be something.  Instead for a change allow yourself to sit with the thoughts of why it could be.


spreading love-salicrow

Sacred Travel…Kissing Stones,Talking to Trees & the Psychic Opening [Blarney Castle]

I have said before, and I will say it again the difference between spiritual adventure and vacation comes down to comfort.  On vacation we are looking to relax, get a bit of pampering, and taste of the good life.  For those seeking spiritual adventure, the accommodations are often not as cushy, there is little time for pampering, and one can generally expect to be pushed out of their comfort zone.  I returned to Ireland, knowing as a spiritual adventurer, seeking a deep connection with the sacred, and in doing so I knew that I would be enveloped by the experience and most likely spit out a different person.

I did not expect the transformation to start so quickly.

I have been preparing for this trip for some time now, knowing that it would be deep, and powerful, after all I was returning to Ireland by the good graces of the Celtic goddess, the Morrighan.  The Morrighan is a Celtic warrior goddess of death, magic, prophesy.   When I say I have returned on her graces, I am not at all exaggerating.  For when I was here in 2013, I visited Owenygat, a hole in the ground cave, under an apple tree in County Roscommon.  It is a place sacred to the Morrighan, and my visit there was intentional.  After climbing into the wet, rocky cave I left offerings of my hair and rose petals, and asked that she work through me and then I began to cry for my love of her lands and country.  I then spoke of how I wanted to return one day, or more honestly, how I wanted to return again, and again.  Her answer was simple and to the point, ringing loud and clear in my mind…”And so you shall”.

As I began planning my return trip, I knew that she would be an intricate part of the voyage, and that my return meant doing her work.

Yesterday I went to Blarney Castle.  It is well known, and famous for the legend held around kissing the Blarney Stone.  It is said that any who kiss the stone will be granted with the gift of Blarney (speech filled with charm & wit).  To kiss the stone, one must climb to the top of the castle, lay down on a the stone ground covered by a mat (for traction & easy movement) and slowly do a back bend, over the edge of a drop that’s a straight shot to the ground many floors below.  The kiss must be placed on the bottom of the stone, which is kind of intimidating.  In olden times it was simply a hole, now there is a cast iron grate beneath the stone so no one falls to their demise.  That being said, it is still an adrenaline dump, and many people cannot do it.

In short, I kissed the stone…The long story though is much more involved.

First and foremost, Blarney Castle is much more then a castle with a stone to kiss.  It is a large expanse of land that holds a stone circle (the seven sisters stone circle), a dolman, a druids cave, forest sanctuary; that has trees from all over the world (with similar climates), a poisonous plant garden, waterfall, fern garden and much more.  It was truly a wonderful experience, and I would recommend it to anyone, for there is something for everyone there.

I stepped into the sacred as soon as I walked through the gate, for a few minutes walk into the park there is a crossing of rivers.  The crossing of rivers is a remarkable thing, as most often when rivers come together they converge.  At Blarney, one river goes under the other, staying as two separate water ways…it is a place of wishes, and I made a point of offering my American coin to the mass of glittering change that sparkled in the water at the rivers crossing.

As I meandered through the park, I sang to the land at the Seven Sisters stone circle, before heading into the forest…taking the path least traveled.  Where most people go first to the castle, my husband and I headed for the trees, and I was greatly thankful.

One of my most remarkable experiences happened with a ancient cedar tree.  Coming from Vermont, I am use to cedar trees being a couple of stories high, but this beauty was far bigger then that.  In fact a limb shooting off the side of it, was much bigger in circumference than any cedar I had ever seen.  I was in awe, as I could feel the energy coming off of the giant cedar, as I walked around behind it, in search of a foot hold to climb onto the limb.  When I got onto the limb, I almost fell off the other side, the energy of the tree setting me off balance with its intensity.  When I settled onto it; lying with my back against the limb, I took a deep breath, preparing for sacred song.  Then I clearly heard the tree speaking to me….

“You wait just a moment Witch, I have something for you”.

Now I have been spoken to by trees before, in fact, trees are quite social.  But this was a command.  The tree was putting me in my place, showing me that it also had something to offer.  It was deeply humbling, and I was overwhelmed as energy from the tree started coursing through my body, my kundalini (chakra system) lighting up.  It lasted but a few moments, but it is still working on me as I write this, over 24 hours later.

I did get a chance to sing to the tree, and instead of offering healing energy, I found myself singing out of thanks and honor.  It was obvious how well taken care of the tree was, and how self aware it was.

We eventually made our way out of the forest, and after a round about walk, we headed to the castle.  My husband is afraid of heights, and did not make it to the top.  He did not kiss the stone.  I went on alone, and was surprised at how easy it was to get there.  During tourist season (beginning of June-end of August), it can be an hours wait to get to the stone.  An hour of slow moving up steep, winding stone stairs, that have been worn down by time and usage.  I was able to walk to the top, and was 4th in line to kiss the stone, when I got there.  The people behind me were Americans, form Texas, and California.  I asked Kyle from Texas if he would take my picture, and he suggested a video.  One many of you have seen already on my Facebook page.

As I lay on my back, with an old Irishmen-attendant encouraging me to lower myself further and further down, I felt my intention deeply present.  My hands; gripping the cast iron bars, held my focus as I slid further and further down, until my face was close to the bottom of the stone.  I kissed the stone with meaning, knowing that for me, there was real magic to be had.  I did not kiss the stone as a gimmick, I kissed the stone with purpose…giving my voice over to the powers that be, that I may use my voice to help others wake up, and become more aware.  That my charm, and wit be a catalyst, nudging people to become truly conscious.

When I was lifted up from the stone, I felt a dump of adrenaline, my legs were wobbly, and my mind was keenly aware.  I had just added another notch in my magical day.  I had just put in motion something that would be carried out for the rest of my life.

The way in and out of the castle was specific, as the stairwells are very narrow.  That being said, I was at the bottom of the castle for a good 20 minutes before my husband, who was meandering around, exploring the castle to find his way out.  As I stood outside the castle entrance I heard the voice of the Morrighan speaking to me.  She is very direct and not particularly gentle.

Her words were powerful.  She told me that she had a gift for me, that she wanted to alter my prophetic ability, to enhance it.  She also told me that it would be hard, that I would have to accept the difficulty of such a gift.  I knew without words what she meant.  She meant that to have my gifts enhanced I would have to once again adjust to the emotions involved opening my awareness.  She then told me I had to repeat her verbatim.  I will not repeat the vow here, but in summery I had to agree that I accepted the good and bad of the gift I was given, knowing that my agreement would hold the power of sacred contract.

I agreed…

The effects were almost instantaneous, and I have spent most of today dealing with my emotions being through the roof, as my empathy and telepathy has been heightened.  I know that I will adjust, but for today I have been working through it, being gentle and patient with myself.

I do not know where this will lead, but I do know that this is just the lead up.  I have felt since the planning of this trip, that my real work takes place in Northern Ireland.  So for now, I am just preparing.  I still have 3-4 days before Northern Ireland.

I am humbled, and ever grateful for the work of the sacred in my life.  It is not always easy, but it is always worth it.  Thanks for reading folks.

spreading love-salicrow

Stories of Spirit…Cosmic Overload & Spiritual Awakening [walking the line between crazy & enlightenment]

How many of you are feeling overwhelmed right now?  Is your mind spinning, are you extra sensitive & short tempered?  Do you somehow feel like something more is happening?

If you said yes keep reading…

Let’s talk about ascension…the act of rising to an important position or a higher level.

Now I personally struggle with a lot of the over the top shit about ascension.  But that’s not because I don’t believe it’s happening, but more so because people want to blame every ache, pain, and experience on transcendence.  In fact it is powerful, overwhelming, and often mind bending, but it is not responsible for  how fast your fingernails grow, and whether or not you feel bloated after eating a large pizza…that is probably the cheese or the wheat.

I like to refer to this change in consciousness as Psychic Evolution, because evolution is a natural thing.  It is something we have been doing since the beginning of time.  Just like we age, we evolve…and like wise dis-evolve.

If I were going to choose a theory as to how this is so, I would say it is because time flows back and forth, like the swing of  a pendulum, or the crossing pattern of an infinity symbol.  This pendulum swing has extremes…times when spiritual gifts thrive, and times when they are banished and beaten down/killed out.

We are fortunate to be living in a time when expanded consciousness is being re-birthed.  Like all births it is exciting, scary, painful, and life altering.  It is a moment of betwixt & between, a moment of straddling the line between what we have been…to what we are becoming.  I love, love, love these moments.  They are the times when things are so alive that the very air tingles with excitement.

We are beyond the time of getting to choose whether we wanted to become more intuitive or not.  We have crossed that line, and now many people are starting to feel more, know things without explanation…like that the mother was going to call seconds before the phone rings.  In the time I have been doing Psychic Readings for the public (nearly 30 years), I have noticed the number of people experiencing Psychic phenomenon grow exponentially.  In the early years of my career, I would see 1-2 people with Psychic ability for every 10 I Read for.  Now the number is more like 6-7 people out of 10.  The majority of this growth in Psychic perception seems to have taken place in this last decade, and it is still growing and evolving.

Most people are experiencing Psychic influence in the form of empathy…the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.  This can be overwhelming, and in most cases, people struggle to recognize what is their emotion, and what belongs to another.

It’s all about how you ride the ride.

When we cannot separate our emotions from that of the masses, we often feel overwhelmed, stressed out & crazy.  But it doesn’t need to be this way.  How we ride the wave matters.  If we are rigid, tight and controlled, believing we need to brace ourselves in order to hold it all together…well chances are we are going to be thrown hard.  Instead we need to imagine ourselves sailors…pirates in fact, for they have much better outfits.  We need to ride the sea of emotions with confidence, knowing we can handle what comes our way, as well as how to rely on others, and work as a team.  Most of all we need to become fluid.  Our body movement and stance needs to be a bit soft in the knee, and open at the chest.  If we catch ourselves tight and stiff, it’s important to take a deep breath and imagine ourselves dashing pirates, with a casual gate on the sea and a confidence in our swagger.

I am not trying to be facetious, I am serious.  We need to approach this change holding the belief that we are prepared for it, after all we chose to be alive in these times.  Quantum theory has proven thought matters, so if we believe we are prepared we will find ourselves able to handle what comes our way.  If we believe we are sinking neck deep in shit, guess what?  We are sinking neck deep in shit.

We are here to be present in changing times.  How we approach it makes a huge difference.  It will still have hardships either way you approach it, but if you approach it as something you have chosen you will not feel as victimized by the experience, and most likely you will choose to educate yourself on the how to’s of staying sane while opening up energetically.

First of all, no two experiences are the same.  How one person goes through spiritual opening, and how another goes through energetic awakening is based on their belief system.  They are the same in the fact that they both are ways of describing a change in ones awareness.  But how it is played out is much more individual.  For those who believe the experience will be torturous, it will.  For those who see it as a trial or pilgrimage of self, it will be both challenging and rewarding…the pain the beginnings of great tales.  The flavoring is ours for the seasoning.

I choose to experience such times as a pilgrimage…sacred travel in which the destinations are not so much holy wells and stone circles, but deep memories and milestones of consciousness.  In my reality, such things are a great privilege, for knowing ones self is the way to true power, and an expanded consciousness is going to show us how important we all are.  For being aware of someone else’s story makes us more compassionate and kind.

So why is this happening now?  Why is is so over the top, crazy pants right now?

Short story…evolution is speeding up, gaining momentum.  Little bit longer story…At this current moment in time, we are feeling an energetic shift as we are between two eclipses.  The lunar eclipse on the 8th, and the solar eclipse on the 21st, as well as the Lion’s Gate; which is an astronomical line up with the center of the galaxy.  All that sounds pretty impressive, and it is.   But I am not an astrologer, so if you are looking for detailed information google search and dive in.  There is a lot to read about it.  What I will share,  is that standing in the middle of two eclipse is betwixt & between…between that which we were, and that which we become.  Add to that being connected to the center of the galaxy and it’s like having an umbilical cord between us and source.

back to choosing a path…

Remember you are co-creating reality.  Remember your tools…crystals, holy symbols, jewelry, favorite blankets, etc.  Remember you team…friends, family, power animals, and spirit guides.  Remember you need rest…sleep more, meditate often, spend a lot of time with water; in baths, near lakes, doing your dishes by hand.  Water is a powerful balancer.

Spend time in nature, the vibration of trees will settle the heart chakra, ground us, and generally make us much happier.  I particularly like Poplars/Aspens for this, as the wind makes them sing…that is a sound I could listen to forever.  Head out into your yard, the woods, or a local park and just sit with a tree for a moment.  You will be rewarded with a much calmer mind.

spreading love-salicrow

ps…Due to the high level of people in need, I will be offering a mini-workshop Empath’s 101.  For details check my Facebook page