Exceptional Moments of Spirit…

I was in Montpelier yesterday, having breakfast with a dear friend who is going through a tremendous opening & healing.  This was something she asked for; something she cultivated & strove for, as she peeled away layer upon layer of emotional debris that kept her from her truth.  Guided by a dedication to bettering herself & allowing her true light to shine, she stepped fully into her wyrd (connection with fate) and yesterday I got to experience a bit of it myself.

WYRD-connected to Fate

When we are going through profound moments of shift, the web of wyrd appears to vibrate around us,  synchronicities abound as the Universe and our personal Spirits seem to be doing everything in their power to ensure we get the message.  It is as if the weavers of fate are spinning the web directly around the recipient, and all who come close to the person get glimpses of what it’s like to dance with creation, it is true magic!  I have experienced these moments both as the person who the web is vibrating around and as a personal witness to someone else’s Wyrd.  Either way, it is awe inspiring.  Yesterday was no exception.

We met in Montpelier, a central location as we were both making unexpected time in our busy schedules.  Like all things connected to fate, it came together quickly and with ease.  When we are going through deep healing & opening often we can get what we need simply by putting it out to the Universe.  I find the straight forward approach to work well “I am in need of some balancing, grounding support, I need time for this, I need space for this”, and there seems to surface a minor reprieve from the deep work, a short hiatus to recollect our thoughts before diving in for more.

The synchronicities began for me as soon as the date was proposed.  My appointments shifted easily, the day opened for me and I was on my way.  I had experienced such things before, so I knew it should be an interesting day and I was not only eager to see my friend and hear her story so far, but to see what kind of magical bits sprung up throughout the day.  The first noticeable omen came in the form of numbers.  After eating a delicious breakfast while my friend told me her miraculous tale (she brought her’s home in a to-go box…too much to say for eating) we left to put money in the meters before we both ended up with tickets.  We walked to her car first, passed by it actually, so deep in conversation that we had walked past her car until it yelled at her.  By this I mean spirit spoke up through the distraction with a quick “hey, your car is back here”.  We turned around laughing as she explained how she was happy she was with me, as I would understand her saying that her car yelling at her.  As she added more money to the meter we were talking about the synchronicities that had been occurring in her life, with money added we couldn’t help but go ‘huh’, as the time on the meter now equaled 1:11.

Omen-an event of prophetic importance

Laughing about how the Universe works, we headed back the other direction to where my car was parked.  Deep in conversation, spirit reminded us once again, as I also walk past my car only to hear Adam say “your car is over there Sali”.  Crossing the street and putting money in the meter, again the time came out to 1:11.  Now the interesting thing is we may not have had those times appear if we had not walked by our vehicles.  The distraction was actually part of the magic, allowing us to arrive at the scene not once, but twice to receive a divine confirmation that wyrd stuff was taking place.  This number sequence persisted when we walked to the statehouse lawn and noticed that the building next to it boldly carried the address of 111, and again when my friend returned to her car with 11 minutes on the meter, and when I was thinking about our experience on my way home and noticed the clock read 1:11.

Numbers are my thing, or at least one of them.  I have worked with Numerology for most of my adult life and am always breaking down numbers, noticing master numbers and sequences as part of how I perceive psychic information.  Traditionally in numerology numbers are added together and broken down until they reach a single digit (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9).  The exception, however, is Master Numbers.  Master numbers are produced when the digit breaks down to a repetition of the same number 11, 22, 33, 44.  We can also witness these powerful energetic codes in the repetitive form of clocks…2:22, 11:11, 5:55 or as we did yesterday 1:11.  Master numbers hold more energetic impact than regular numbers, their lessons are bigger and they demand more attention.  Often when we see repetitive numbers such as our clock showing 4:44 it is the universe or our spirit team giving us a heads up to pay attention, that what we are thinking about or doing is very important.  The number itself must also be taken into consideration, for each number has a different energetic code. 

For those of you interested in the study of Numerology, keep an eye out for my workshop coming in June, and check out some of my other blogs around the subject like this one https://salicrow.wordpress.com/category/numerology/

The meaning of 1:11- 1:11 resonates at a high vibration, similar to 11 or an empowered 1.  It is a number that reminds us something big is starting; that we are connected with our purpose, and that we are working with personal karma.  Carrying the energy of beginnings, it has presented itself in our life to help us move into our new self, leaving behind that which holds us back.  It carries the power of stepping onto the path of one’s truth, and the ability to open psychic doors to our true self.

One of the other wyrd-anomalies that happened yesterday was a quick gift for me; a reminder that I too was swimming in the cosmic wake that surrounded my friend and her wyrd experience-I knew my friend and I  would only be able to spend a few hours together, and Montpelier is about an hour and a half drive for me, so on the way over, I started thinking about how I wanted to catch up with another friend from the area whom I missed dearly.  I started thinking I would drive out to her house after breakfast on the off chance I would get to see her as well.  These thoughts kept coming up on my drive until I was determined I would do my best to connect with her.  After breakfast, when I was scuttling about with my friend, putting money in meters and talking about the wyrd synchronicities that were popping up, we crossed paths with the other friend whom I had planned to go see… As we were talking away, a car came to a stop at the crosswalk along our path, and who should it be…but the very friend I had been thinking about on the ride over.  I was so excited to see her, for not only did it save me a trip out of my way (she was heading out of town), but it was a huge shout out to the powers of magical manifestation that take place when we are in such moments of karmic growth.  I told her I had been thinking about her the entire way over and that my intention had been “I just want to see her, even if it’s just for a minute”.  Wish granted!  

I love how magical life can be, and how clearly the universe is speaking to us when we gain the ability to listen.  It is not always flashy, ‘holy shit’ moments.  But the universe and our spirits are constantly reaching out to us.  I was honored to bear witness to my friend’s healing & growth and had a great time playing in the magical wake of her deep dive with fate.

Exceptional Moments of Spirit are those times when the world itself seems to be speaking to us as if we are the main character in a big play.  These times slow down, speed up, stand still and out of time and space.  For most people, these flashes of fate are triggered by deep emotional catalysts, like death, birth, reunions, and marriages.  For those on the spiritual path, they come more often and are usually connected to the moments in which we are actively growing as a soul.  It is important in such times to be kind to ourselves, take rest when it presents itself and surrounds ourselves by those that support us.  This is not a time for hanging out with the challenging aspects and people of our life, we need to make our circle small and strong in such times, remembering that we will reemerge a different person in many ways.  If you are going through such a time, get some body work…Reiki, massage, sound healing.  These all help to bring balance into our lives and help us let go of that which is holding us back.  My personal experience with such growth is documented in my book ‘JUMP GIRL, the initiation and art of a spirit speaker’, which a memoir of my life.  You can find it here https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/562306/jump-girl-by-salicrow/9781623171926/

Thanks for reading folks, may your path be filled with magic, spiritual growth, and love…stay Wyrd!

spreading love-salicrow

SACRED TRAVEL…Transforming the mind through personal journey, part 3

Sacred Travel is foremost a mindset.  It is something that happens within our being, regardless of our outer destination, for the true journey is a pilgrimage of the soul.

Many people go on vacation and walk away with stories of adventure, a bit of color and a feeling of rest…but that is far from being transformational.  While on the other hand there are those among us who go no further than their backyard and experience tremendous spiritual growth.

If you are looking to set up a Sacred Pilgrimage for yourself and are lacking in funds, start by setting a date.  Block out the days you wish to set aside for personal growth, and act as if you are going to be out of the State during that time.  You will not be answering phone calls unless they are emergencies.  You may even want to tell people that you know that you will be away, or better yet that you are taking a much-needed Staycation to recalibrate.  Simple answers, make it easier to not receive a thousand phone calls during your time of introspection.

Plan your journey ahead of time, choose a location in your home or abroad (if you are so fortunate).  When using our own space for the journey, we must make sure to set the stage.  Taking time to make it comfortable and inviting…Setting up an altar where we can place items sacred to us. When Packing it’s important to bring enough provisions so we do not need to leave our sacred space until finished.  Remember the more fully you can submerge yourself in the experience, the deeper into self you can go.  Make sure you have a journal and a few good writing pens on hand, perhaps even some art supplies; as not all who journal do so in words.

When we choose to engage in sacred travel without leaving our homestead, it is important to step away from our regular habits.  Disconnect from social media, television, computer, smartphones, and technological static.  *I make an exception here for my camera.  For me, taking pictures is part of my journaling.  I love to capture moments and items that are seeped in the divine.  That being said, if you do not have the willpower to resist picking up your phone every few moments then it’s best to use a real camera, not the one on your phone.

Once we have set out on our sacred adventure we should plan on staying in that mindset for the duration of the time allotted to the journey.  This is important, as most people are impatient and somehow think results/answers should come quickly like a flash of lightning.  When in fact, more often than not it takes much longer than you think and is far more subtle than hoped for. Learning the nuances of subtly is a spiritual art, it takes practice.  One of the tips I give to my students when practicing any type of trance work or meditation is to stay past the point of discomfort.  By this, I do not mean stay when we are in pain or about to wet ourselves, what I mean is…we all reach a point in which our mind starts saying “Is this it?”, “Am I doing anything, can I do anything?”, “What am I suppose to be doing?”.  I am not immune to this distraction. It still shows up from time to time… telling me I have better things to be doing.  I simply ignore it and keep on keeping on.  It is after this point when we have crossed the threshold of our wondering mind, that we begin to truly connect.

Sacred tools, like drums and rattles, scrying mirrors, tarot cards & runes are helpful tools to take on our journey.  But so is going for a walk in the woods, sitting by your favorite brook, listening to the sound of the trees, exploring art at a local museum, listening to Gregorian chants and Shamanic trance music.  This is an adventure…you may spend it how you wish, and with who you wish.  Most of my sacred travels are spent with like-minded spiritual seekers.

When I was younger and could not get away as easily, my sacred-sisters (women I practiced magic with) and I would go away for one weekend a year together.  Most often this was at someone’s parents camp.  We would work and play together or the weekend and walk away refreshed and ofter more clear of our personal path.

Now here is an important add-on…I know most of you are imagining Sacred Travel as a somber thing, filled with drumming and meditation, and that is true…but it is can also one filled with tasty libations, your favorite herbs, and laughter.  After all, it is a time of stepping out of our day to day life and let us be honest we all like to eat well and celebrate.

The biggest factor in Sacred Travel is that we are there with our senses open.  We need to savor every detail of the moment, allowing ourselves to fully be present instead of wandering around on auto-pilot like we often do in our everyday lives.  Sacred Travel is a time of fully being conscious.  It is a time of celebration and love for self and the amazing world we live in.

I personally go on a sacred journey just about every week. I began adding a weekly ‘adventure day’ almost 2 years ago; when my sister was struggling with illness.  As part of her process, we decided to dedicate every Wednesday to spiritual growth and experience.  Sometimes it is just us, sometimes others of our tribe join us.  Most often we go to the Ammounousuc River, a place seen as a spiritual treasure to both of us.  This practice has enhanced the quality of my life tremendously.  Between the small weekly journeys and the larger ones I manage to pull off each year, I have created a life in which stepping out of my everyday reality & into my deeper soul consciousness is easily accessed.

I hope you enjoyed the read & that it inspires you to seek out Spiritual Adventure of your own.  The world is an amazing place, whether our path takes us ‘just down the road a bit’ or around the world.  Open your eyes, your heart, your ears, your entire being to the marvels of self & the universe and you will not be disappointed.

spreading love-salicrow

ps-if you enjoy my writing, make sure to check out my book!





STORIES OF SPIRIT…Entering the Otherworld [connecting with our Beloved Dead on Halloween]

Halloween (Samhain/Alfablot) is tomorrow, October 31st.  It is a time of honoring our Beloved Dead; our friends, family, loved ones and ancestors who have crossed the Veil into the land of the dead, entering what is often referred to as the Otherworld by spiritual practitioners.

The Otherworld is a place of Spirit.  In many traditions, it is seen as a realm inhabited by not only our Dead but by the Fae Beings (fairies, trolls, elves and the like).  It is an ethereal place where the body is not as important, a place where the eternal soul is paramount.  In the Otherworld form is mutable, beings residing there are not stuck to one shape, one form, one incarnation of self.  It is a place of creation, where communication comes not only in the form of words but through imagery, sound, feeling, and knowing.

I have traveled to the Otherworld many times, starting as a child when I would visit Spirits on the other side of the mirror; although to be quite honest, that was more of a video conference of sorts.  At this time, I also visited the world of Spirit in my dreams, particularly those that were Lucid (Lucid Dreaming-to be conscious/awake inside your dream).  Over the years I have visited this realm over and over again, in my dreams, while journeying (active spiritual dreaming) & by slipping through the veil with my physical body.

My experience of entering the Otherworld became of great importance when I was 30, and had a hugely significant spiritual opening; which I refer to as the November Incident.  Those of you who have read my book JUMP GIRL, the initiation & art of a spirit speaker, can refer to the 2 chapters dedicated (and titled) to this experience for more details.  During the November Incident, my spirit guide Adam taught me rules of engagement while in the Otherworld.  We spent many hours playing games in my mind in which we would transform from one image of self to another.  In many ways, this was familiar to a video game or a Bugs Bunny cartoon, for we would often trap on another and then figure out how to escape.  He would turn into smoke and I would suck him up with a straw, only for him to turn into ants tickling my esophagus until I coughed him up and out.  I would become a lioness only to have him form a cage around me, to which I would become a crow and fly free of the cage.  We spent many hours this way, developing my ability to change form at will while in the world of Spirit.


Grammy Brown & my Dad ‘Richard’, two of my Beloved Dead.

The Veil thinning between the worlds does not just mean that Spirit is more likely to show up in our world, but it also means that those of us brave enough (or chosen) to venture may find ourselves in the Otherworld.   This is not a place one travels with their body, it is a journey we take with our spirit.  One that requires safeguarding, trust, and the ability to experience with an open mind.  We must put aside the idea that the only reality is the solid state of matter in which we live and the belief that what happens in our ‘mind’ has no effect on our physical reality.

Preparing for a Halloween (Samhain/Alfablot) visitation to the Spirit World-

For those of you who have never journeyed before I will give a brief logistical overview to make your voyage safer and more comfortable.

First, we must remember that we are in control of our body.  In short when it comes to this world, and our incarnation here in the physical, having a body means you have more power.  It means that the body you inhabit was assigned to you, this ownership means that Spirits can not inhabit your body unless you have asked them to, or allowed them in through the fearful belief that you are powerless.  One of the most important lessons I learned during the November Incident was that Spirits were no more important than the living.  Just because someone has died it does not make them more powerful.  Fear is what makes us powerless when we give over to fear we make ourselves vulnerable.  This is why I recommend only working with/seeking out your Beloved Dead (friends, family, loved ones and ancestors) when you are beginning your work with Spirit.  For all beginners, and as a safe practice that before doing any Spirit work we call in a friend or family member in Spirit, who we trust, asking them to be our doorman/guardian on the other side.  This is a simple practice that not only helps us to feel stronger, but also offers us the benefit of having someone familiar with the Otherworld looking out for us.  Whenever I do Spirit work, whether it be personal or for clients I always start with inviting my doorman/spirit guide Adam to join me. 

PREPARING TO JOURNEY-take time to set up an ancestor altar in the room you will use for your astral travel.  Place pictures and mementos of your loved ones in Spirit on the altar, as well as flowers, crystals, holy symbols and whatever else brings you joy and remembrance of them.  Incense and candles are fantastic for setting the atmosphere, and good incense is often created with sacred herbs and resins that help alter the mind slightly, allowing us to slip into a deeper state of relaxation.  Don’t forget to place their favorite food, drink, smoke, treats on the altar as well.  This is an offering the dead love!  Make a comfortable spot for yourself to sit or lie down.  Dim the lights and spend a few moments relaxing your body.  I prefer a simple breathing technique for this.  *Aside note-sometimes it’s helpful to be lead through a journey, especially for beginners.  If you would like to take this approach, I suggest recording yourself reading the below information so that you may listen to it.

family altar

Before beginning your journey, check and make sure your altar is to your liking, light a candle, and incense, and take a few moments creating sacred space.  The easiest way to do this is to imagine there is a dot of white light in the center of your chest, as you breathe that light spreads our around you until it fully encompasses the room you are in.  At this time, you may call in whatever guardian spirits and/or deities your work with.

*Circular breathing- with your spine straight, eyes closed, breathe deeply in through and out through your nose.  On the inhale count the length of your breath, as you slowly inhale.  Now exhale through your nose for the same count.  Do this for 5 full breaths.

*Relaxing your body-As you continue to breathe deeply; trying to keep to a rhythmic pace of equal time inhaling as exhaling.  Now bring your attention to your toes, and allow your consciousness to pull energy from your feet/the earth slowly up over the back of your body, all the way to the top of your crown, and then back down over the front of your body until it touches your toes/ground again, repeat this for 5 full cycles.

*At this point you should be deeply relaxed, and ready to begin your journey (this is the part you may want to record yourself reading)…

As your breathing becomes deeper and deeper, you find yourself standing at the edge of a forest.  As you look around your perception awaken, allowing you to observe your surrounding with whatever senses are strongest for you.  You continue your deep breathing, and remind yourself that every person experiences the world of Spirit differently, there is no right way or wrong way, only your way.  The woods around you is vibrant and teeming with life, pay close attention to what you perceive, taking in all the details you can.

Before you lies a path, leading deeper into the lush woodland.  There is a mist laying heavy along the forest floor, adding a feeling of mystery, and there seems to be a warm glow coming from a sun you cannot see.  Again your awareness is pulled to the details along the path, as you wind your way deeper and deeper into the green.  Pay close attention to any creature/animal/being that presents themselves to you.  Staying in the role of observer, remembering that now is not the time for analyzing what you see, it is a time to be present & aware.

As you make your way along the path, you see the remains of an ancient building ahead of you.  It is in ruins, the remains of what was, a place of betwixt and between, where memory lies heavy.  Allow yourself the time to take in the details of the remains that are before you.  As you walk around the site, you notice the mist has become thicker, making it hard to see the ground on which your feet trod.  As you make your way around the ruins, you notice a stairway leading into the ground.  There is a deep feeling of magic around the stairwell, a feeling of mystery and something that feels like the tickling of a memory.  This is a place you have been before, although you may not remember when or how.  There is a feeling of dreaming about you.

You step onto the top stair and remember to invite your spirit guide/doorman to join you.  You feel a familiar presence stand beside you, you may observe them in whatever manner comes to you, trusting your senses, and being careful not to make expectations.  You begin to descend the stairwell, as you place your foot on the step below, make note of what you see, what does the stair look like? what is it made of? what are you wearing upon your feet?  You descend the steps, counting as you go…9….8…..7…..6…..5….4….3….2….1…

At the bottom of the stairs you find a door, again it is familiar to you.  Make note of whatever details you can.  You open the door and before you is a room, with 2 chairs and a fireplace.  You take a deep breath in and out before entering the room, allowing yourself to feel calm and present.  In one of the chairs, someone is waiting for you.  You step into the room and make your way to the empty chair, making note of the details of the room as you cross it.  As you sit down in your chair you see/sense/know who it is sitting in the chair next to you.  They are one of your Beloved Dead, a loved one in Spirit come to visit with you on this All Hallows Eve.

Allow yourself to sit for a moment acclimating to your surroundings, permitting yourself to observe and emotionally connect with the Spirit that has come to visit.  In this time, in this space, you are completely protected.  Take a few breaths here, as you do not want to rush.  When you feel acclimated to the presence of your loved one, ask them if they have any messages for you. Take a few moments here, breathing deeply, and receiving whatever communication they wish to share, remembering that some Spirits communicate in words, some in images, some in a deep sense of knowing.  Whatever way your message comes through be thankful.

You now may share your own feelings/messages with your Beloved Dead, you may also at this time offer up to them the treats (food, drink, smoke) you placed on your altar, knowing that what you offer here in the Otherworld is also being offered on your altar in the world of the living.

As your time in the Otherworld comes to an end, your Beloved Dead presents you with an offering, a gift that they believe will help you on your spiritual path.  Make note of what they present to you, for it is an item you should seek out in the waking world.  As you accept your gift, give thanks.  You are beginning a relationship in spirit that will be a profound asset to your waking life.  The item they present you with will be a key to connecting with them in the future.

It is now time to return, you say your goodbyes and turn for the door.  As you walk across the room, once more take note of any details you perceive.  Upon opening the door you see/sense the familiar stairwell in front of you.  You take a deep breath in & out and begin your ascent to the surface.  1…2…3….4….5…6…7…8…9…

You are again standing in the misty ruins deep in the forest, the path leading home stretched out in front of you.  At this time, thank your guardian/doorman for accompanying you on your journey.  As you leave the ruins the mist begins to dissipate until the trail you are following comes to an end in the room, you inhabit in the waking world.  You see the altar you have set up for your ancestors and the familiar body that you call self, sitting and waiting for you.  You slip into your body and begin to become aware of the Waking World.

Begin by wiggling your fingers and toes, then move onto a soft slapping of your arms in legs, connecting fully with your physical body.  At this point say out loud, my work is complete, I am fully back in my physical form.  Do this for a couple of minutes, then pick up a journal and write down whatever you experienced.  Knowing that we all experience the Otherwold differently.  To complete your work (after journalling), pick up your candle, and walk counter-clockwise around your room, thanking all the spirits that came this night, those seen and unseen, reminding them that now is the time in which they must leave your space and return to their own.

So mote it be!

I hope you enjoyed the read and the journey.  The Otherworld is as real as ours, only different.  Visits from our Beloved Dead come in all shapes and forms, what we receive in a journey is ours, and may very well be like no others.  Some people are naturally proficient in journeying, while others struggle at first.  If you are a person who struggled, you may repeat this exercise daily for 3 days after Halloween.  Making a note each time in the journal of your progression.  We are all spiritual beings, and this is not foreign to us, only forgotten.  Our Ancestors have used the art of journeying to communicate with their Beloved Dead for time untold.  I wish you a magical Halloween (Samhain/Alfablot), may your Spirits bless you with a visit.

spreading love-Salicrow


I have never been known as someone who takes the slow road, but this year has me thankful for my dark-totem/Squirrel on Crack.  The fullness of my life has left me little time for blogging….my book ‘JUMP GIRL, the initiation and art of a spirit speaker’ https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/562306/jump-girl-by-salicrow/9781623171926/was released in February and on June 1st I stepped into a grand-expansion at my studio {the Grindstone Cafe & Wellness Center}.    Things are moving along with ease and flow, but sometimes getting a few extra moments to write are looked over for sitting in a zen-like haze on my couch.

Where the construction/expansion of the Cafe & Wellness Center connects me deeply connected to my community, JUMP GIRL’s release has me traveling all over the country this year; from book signings to literary festivals, workshops, psychic readings & spirit communication, I am on the go.  This movement has brought many songs to mind of late, but one that sums it up is ‘On the road again’ by Willey Nelson.  For the Irish Gypsy in me loves traveling… I have also found myself very conscious of the words I use inside my mind.  For a short while, I was repetitively saying “I am crazy busy”, whenever I was asked about my schedule.  Then I started thinking about quantum-physics and quickly changed my response to “my life is abundantly full’.

Quantum-physics has proven that thought matters, that we are indeed co-creators of our reality, and that what we put our thoughts into we manifest.  With that in mind, it was quite clear I needed to change my wording, as I had no desire what-so-ever to be ‘crazy busy’ or ‘crazy’ at all…Changing my the repetitive wording I used in my mind gave me a deep sense of well being, a feeling that I was solid and grounded in my growth, instead of feeling like I was zipping around without plan or thought.  The truth of the matter is there was a lot of planning and thought that has gone into me being in the place I am at this moment.  My book took over a year to write/edit/produce and the growth/design of the cafe/wellness center was something I did over 3 years ago (the benefit of being Psychic, sometimes I know something has to happen and plan ahead).  Even the high energy flow of this year was something I knew to expect before it’s arrival.

About this time last year, I was sitting on my couch when I heard a familiar voice in my head, that of my own.  I do not mean I was talking to myself as myself in this present moment.  Instead, I was hearing the voice of Salicrow in what I perceived to be about 2 years in the future/2019.  This was a bit unusual; not the visiting myself from the future or past, but that I was being visited by an incarnation of myself that was so close in time.  Usually, my visits are by my deep future self or past, with more than 10 years difference.  The visit from my near future present had me curious, as this had never happened before.  What would spur such an event?  My future-self spoke to me briefly, informing me that my life was going to go from 10-100 (speed/fullness) within the year.  I had taken her words to pertain to my book alone, but as most things Gemini there is always more…the more, in this case, being the sudden expansion of my wellness center.  Sali of the future assured me that it would all be good and that I could handle it.  but that I must learn to take downtime when it presents itself.  I believe I have heeded this information well, and am pretty good at checking out when I need to.

previous adventures with Lavender

I have learned many things this year so far, and have gained a few unexpected allies…Hummingbird & Lavender.  Hummingbird came into my life with a bold message.  Literally showing itself within a foot of my face, when I asked the Universe what I needed to be working on.  It’s message…to enjoy the rhythm and flow, that constant movement does not need to be tiring if one moves with the vibration of the world around them.  I am practicing this, listening to my body and mind and allowing myself to be carried by the momentum of my ever expanding life.  Lavender has shown up on my playing field in a huge way.  I am teaching at a Lavender farm in Montana in September, and have been invited to teach at another Lavender farm in NY.  My randomly generated computer background has been showing up as fields of Lavender for about 2 months now, and I have been given cards, and greetings carrying the image of Lavender at all turns of my path.  The teaching of Lavender is one of balance, and calming to the nervous system, as well as Psychic protection.  I believe it is showing up as an ally at this time to help people make a gentler transition to spiritual opening.  I am looking forward to working in the fields of lavender and seeing how its energy infuses my work.

Life is made up of the experiences we have and the way in which we interpret them.  I am a constant student of the Universe and I see the road ahead of me as teacher.  I look forward to where this year’s journeys will take me.  Thank you for your patience, I really do appreciate all my readers.  I promise to be more diligent in getting my thoughts to writing.


spreading love-salicrow